英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:13:33



英 [ˈhɜ:pi:z]

美 [ˈhɜ:rpi:z]


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形容词: herpetic

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  • 【医】疱疹
  • 弓形体病毒
  • 瘤疹
  • 泡疹


1. any of the animal viruses that cause painful blisters on the skin

Synonym: herpes virus

2. viral diseases causing eruptions of the skin or mucous membrane

1. 疱疹
Herpes is a disease which causes painful red spots to appear on the skin.

1. herpes在线翻译

1. 疱疹:最佳答案: 疱疹(herpes)分单纯疱疹和带状疱疹,单纯疱疹(herpes simplex)是一种单纯疱疹病毒所致的皮肤病,好侵犯于皮肤粘膜交界处,表现为局限性簇集性小疱,带状疱疹(herpes zoster)则是由疱疹病毒引起的,沿一侧周围神经带状分布的密集性小水疱及...

2. 疹:验尿检查淋病(gonorrhea)及衣原体(chlamydia)- 女优:对私处检查庖疹(herpes)和生殖器疣(genital warts)及作以下检查7. 作肺结核(tuberculosis)的检查

3. 泡疹:要视乎你妈妈是哪一种角膜炎. 不过,如果是经常复发的话,是泡疹(Herpes)引致的角膜炎机会较大.

4. herpes的翻译

4. 疱疹病毒:一些专门感染神经系统的病毒,如狂犬病毒(rabies) 和疱疹病毒(herpes),可以轻而易举地穿越血脑屏障. 为了借用这种能力,斯瓦米的小组选择了一个狂犬病毒表面中常见的小蛋白来伪装药物. 科学家相信,该蛋白可打开穿越血管壁的通道,

Viral diseases such as those caused by cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex and herpes zoster virus.(病毒性疾病,如由巨细胞病毒、单纯疱疹病毒和带状疱疹病毒所引发的疾病。)
An inquest found newborn Jennifer Schofield died from Herpes Simplex Virus .(尸检调查发现新生婴儿詹尼佛·斯科菲尔德死于单一性疱疹病毒HerpesSimplexVirus(HSV)。)
Shingles (herpes zoster virus) is a painful viral infection of the nerve roots.(带状疱疹是一种引起神经根疼痛的病毒感染。)
A number of topical antivirals are effective for herpes labialis, including acyclovir, penciclovir, and docosanol.(许多局部抗病毒药可有效治疗唇疱疹,包括阿昔洛韦,喷昔洛韦和二十二烷醇。)
The objective was to observe the clinical effect of Penciclovir cream for treating herpes labialis.(目的是观察喷昔洛韦对唇疱疹的临床疗效。)
Sometimes, people do not exhibit symptoms but are herpes carriers all the same.(那些没有表现出明显症状的疱疹病毒携带者比比皆是。)
Research is underway concerning the use of BHT in the treatment of herpes simplex and AIDS.(有关在单纯性疱疹和艾滋病治疗中使用二叔丁基对甲酚(BHT)的研究正在进行中。)
In many countries, like Italy, 93% of the population carries herpes.(在许多国家,像意大利进行,93%的人口疱疹。)
Be sure what kind of herpes virus you have before resorting to remedies and treatments.(肯定什么样的疱疹病毒,你面前有诉诸补救办法和疗法。)
Q18. I'm pregnant and haven't had herpes, but my husband or partner has herpes. Should we do anything?(问题18:我是孕妇并且没有患有疱疹,但是我的丈夫或伴侣患有疱疹。我们要采取什么措施吗?)
herpes是什么意思 herpes在线翻译 herpes什么意思 herpes的意思 herpes的翻译 herpes的解释 herpes的发音 herpes的同义词