英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-12-16 14:09:54


英 [ˈhaɪˈlevəl]

美 [ˈhaɪˈlɛvəl]


  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. occurring at or from a relative high altitude

e.g. high-level bombing

Synonym: high-altitude

2. at an elevated level in rank or importance

e.g. a high-level official
a high-level corporate briefing
upper-level management

Synonym: high-rankingupper-level

1. 高级别:有时候客户希望第一时间来处理运行时异常(比如根据上文所说的根据抽象级别来转化异常语义,或者说从低级别(low level)异常转向高级别(high level)异常),而不希望将异常放手抛给调用方.

2. 高阶:其逻辑性 (logical) 日志记录将会进行的高阶 (high level) 档案系统操作,而非一般物理 (physical) 日志储存更动区块的复本. 而日志的更新亦以非同步 (asynchronous) 进行以避免降低档案系统速度. UFS 及 Ext2 差不多,

3. 高电平:因CD唱盘、调谐器、录音座、DVD,都被列为高电平(high level)讯源,虽然面板上有四或五档选择,但你可以随意接,因它们都是高电平讯源,没有实质上的差别. 当然,有高就有低,相对於高电平的就是低电平(low level)讯源,以前风行的LP黑胶唱片系统,

4. high-level什么意思

4. 高层:对于开发团队而言,在实际工作中,需求问题往往和设计问题,非凡是高层(High level)的设计纠缠在一起,很难有明确的界限划分. 但在本文中,需求问题不涉及与具体实现相关的问题,比如技术选型,人机界面.

A high level of glutamic-pyruvic transaminase means he has to say goodbye to escessive drinking.(谷丙转氨酶太高意味着他不能再酗酒了。)
"Running a family household requires high-level planning and coordinating," she says.(“运行一个家庭需要高水平的规划和协调。”她说。)
This is crucial, because it implies a high level of cognitive development.(这是至关重要的,因为它意味着高层次的认知发展。)
A waiter's job, for example, that requires multitasking, teamwork, and decision making could be just as stimulating as any high-level office work.(例如,侍者的工作需要多任务处理、团队合作和决策,这可能和任何高级办公室的工作一样刺激。)
This can help you gain a high level of competence in English.(这有助于你的英语能力达到高水平。)
Although the origins are uncertain, experts think that this is largely due to the high level of volcanic activity in the area.(尽管起源还不确定,专家认为这主要是由该地区频繁的火山喷发所造成的。)
They have a high level of unemployment—but the same goes for many other countries.(他们的失业率很高—不过,其他许多国家也是如此。)
I found evidence of high-level decisions about the secret Soviet germ-warfare program, which violated the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.(我发现了苏联细菌武器计划的高层决策的证据,这违反《生物与毒素武器公约》。)
What kind of invader gives rise to such high-level monitoring?(什么样的入侵者会引发如此高级别的监控?)
This helps separate implementation details from the high-level design.(这有助于将实现细节与高级设计相分离。)
high-level是什么意思 high-level在线翻译 high-level什么意思 high-level的意思 high-level的翻译 high-level的解释 high-level的发音 high-level的同义词