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更新时间:2024-06-24 17:50:24
  • 双语例句

1. High-status individuals are more likely to have genes that promote health and intelligence, and? ?

2. high-status在线翻译

2. But it is unclear how long this taste for pont the Russian slang term for high-status goods will last.

3. high-status

3. In that case only 24% of low-status men were married by 30 compared with 46% of high-status men.

4. He refused adulation and often contradicted high-status figures.

5. In recent years, several of the high-status jobs seem to have lost some of their glamour – in particular investment banking, once full of pomposity, but now not so grand.

6. Email bankruptcy, like real bankruptcy, is probably not as much fun as it sounds and easier for arty types and high-status individuals.


7. One can't help but notice that a large number of high-profile cases involve high-status males: fraternity members, a famous actor, a radio host, small-town football stars and big-league professional athletes & men, in other words, who think they are gods.

8. high-status的解释

8. In fact, studies show that self-deprecating humor by high-status people increases their attractiveness.

9. And its this high-status judgment that leads to the attraction.

The message he sent through his high status was this: don't you dare disagree with this god on earth whom all people adore.(他用高姿态传达信息:你怎么敢跟这个地球上所有人都崇拜的神作对?)
Richer people, after all, tend to have high-status jobs.(毕竟,更富裕一些的人会想拥有地位较高的工作。)
Men who aren't tall, dark and handsome can compensate by wearing high-status clothing (no woman, it is said, can resist a man in surgical scrubs) or driving a fancy car.(不够挺拔、不够黝黑英俊的男人可以穿彰显地位的服装(也就是说,没有女人能抵抗一个衣着光鲜的男人)或是驾驶一辆酷炫的车来弥补。)
As our group membership forms our identity, it is only natural for us to want to be part of groups that are both high status and have a positive image.(鉴于这种说法,我们希望成为地位高、形象良好的群体中的一员就再正常不过了。)
The job brings with it status and a high income.(担任这一职务既有显贵的地位又有丰厚的收入。)
In general, when people see pride expressed they associate it with high status.(一般说来,当人们看到骄傲表现时,会把它与高层地位相关联。)
In that case only 24% of low-status men were married by 30 compared with 46% of high-status men.(在这种情况下,只有24%的社会地位低的男人能在30岁之前结婚,而社会地位较高的男人30岁之前的结婚比例为46%。)
As in the decoration, the company achieved a high status and prestige.(公司以此在装饰行业取得了较高的地位与名望。)
High-status, confident people use fewer "I" words, not more.(地位高且自信的人较少用到“我”这样的字眼,而不是更多。)
We now realise that it was 1, 000 years older - and very high status, perhaps made for a vizier, or even for royalty.(我们现在意识到它已经有1000岁了,并且有很高的地位。它很可能是为大臣建造的,甚至是为皇室建造的。)
high-status是什么意思 high-status在线翻译 high-status什么意思 high-status的意思 high-status的翻译 high-status的解释 high-status的发音 high-status的同义词