英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:16:06



英 [hɪp]

美 [hɪp]




副词: hiply 异体字: hep 比较级: hipper/hepper 最高级: hippest/heppest 名词: hipness

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  • 臀部,屁股
  • 【解】髋,髋部,髋关节
  • 【植】蔷薇果,野蔷薇的果实
  • 病态的忧郁,情绪低沉,忧郁
  • 【动】基节
  • 屋脊
  • 胯部,胯
  • “河马”(前苏联研制的一种直升机)
  • 熟悉内情的,内行的
  • 紧随时尚的,赶时髦的, 赶时新的, 时髦的
  • 通晓的,知情的,知道的
  • 嬉皮的;嬉皮派的
  • 市面灵通的
  • 聪明的,机灵的
  • 颓废派的
  • 加油!好!
  • 喝彩声
  • 欢呼声。其中一人说 hip,hip,其他人喊 hooray 或 hurrah
  • 使…的股关节脱臼
  • 给…造屋脊
  • 使(家畜)扭脱股关节
  • 用屁股撞
  • 【建】使做成四坡屋顶
  • 使忧郁
  • 告诉某人,告知某人
  • [C]臀部,屁股 the fleshly part of either side of the human body above the legs


1. either side of the body below the waist and above the thigh

2. the ball-and-socket joint between the head of the femur and the acetabulum

Synonym: hip jointcoxaarticulatio coxae

3. the structure of the vertebrate skeleton supporting the lower limbs in humans and the hind limbs or corresponding parts in other vertebrates

Synonym: pelvispelvic girdlepelvic arch

4. the fruit of a rose plant

Synonym: rose hiprosehip

5. (architecture) the exterior angle formed by the junction of a sloping side and a sloping end of a roof



1. informed about the latest trends

Synonym: hephip to(p)

1. 髋;臀部
Your hips are the two areas at the sides of your body between the tops of your legs and your waist.


e.g. Tracey put her hands on her hips and sighed.

He is broad-chested and narrow-hipped.

2. 髋;髋部(指骨骼)
You refer to the bones between the tops of your legs and your waist as your hips .


3. 新潮的;赶时髦的
If you say that someone is hip, you mean that they are very modern and follow all the latest fashions, for example in clothes and ideas.


e.g. ...a hip young character with tight-cropped blond hair and stylish glasses.

4. 野蔷薇果
A hip is a rosehip .

5. (表示欣赏或赞许的呼声)好啊!加油!万岁!
If a large group of people want to show their appreciation or approval of someone, one of them says 'Hip hip' and they all shout 'hooray'.

6. 鲁莽行事;轻举妄动;信口开河
If you say that someone shoots from the hip or fires from the hip, you mean that they react to situations or give their opinion very quickly, without stopping to think.

e.g. Judges don't have to shoot from the hip. They have the leisure to think, to decide.

1. 臀部:身体的重心要放在整个脚面上,然后再调整两脚的均衡,以50℅比50℅分配. 身体的准备姿势以臀(Hip)部为基准,区分上身和下身. 头部、背部和腰部成一条直线,在此基础上,臀部(Hip)稍向后翘并略往下坐,上身要稍向前倾.


2. 臀圍:size一般尺寸领围(neck) 胸围(chest) 腰围(waist)袖长(sleeve)衬衫尺码 前二码为领围(neck),第三码代表袖长(sleeve)数字之尾数,以79 cm 至 88 cm 为袖长区间. 例如:size 372 即为领围 37 袖长 82,单位公分. 一般尺寸 胸围(chest) 腰围(waist) 臀围(hip)一般尺寸 胸围(chest) 腰围(waist) 臀围(hip)

3. 臀:如果您用右手转臀(hip)向左前45-75度角前方直击,那您的角动量的半径是由臀(hip)到肩膀距离. 当力量由脚上升时,微旋小腿骨,再旋大腿股,旋上臀(hip)至腰,

4. hip:hot-isostatic pressing; 热等静压

5. hip:highly-impact polystyrene; 高抗冲聚苯乙烯

6. hip:hot isostatic pressure sintering; 热等静压烧结

7. hip:hypoxic injury potential; 缺氧损伤电位

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • Women have rounder hips than men.
  • He fell and hurt his hip.
用作名词 (n.)
  • She stands at the edge of the water, with hands on hips.

    出自:W. Wharton
  • People moved off..the women walking as though their hips were on swivel joints.

    出自:C. Phillips
  • He's had a hip replacement. He's got a steel ball-and-socket thing.

  • Country lanes are lined..with hips and haws.

    出自:J. H. B. Peel
  • That..sentimental strain gives me the hip.

    出自:C. Johnston
  • He..threw in a four-letter word to show how hip he was.

    出自:E. Jong
  • And now specially for you cool cats out there something real hip.

    出自:S. Naipaul
  • To hear the farmer yipping and hipping his collie.

    出自:J. H. B. Peel
  • Sand must have hipped him quietly..what was happening with the lovers.

    出自:J. Kerouac
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的hype,意为臀部。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

What happens if through disease a hip-joint ceases to be able to resist such forces?(如果因为疾病导致其中一个髋关节不再能够支撑这么多的力量,将会出现什么情形呢?)
At least one-third of all women over ninety have sustained a hip fracture.(90岁以上的妇女中至少有1/3遭受过髋骨骨折。)
He fell and fractured his hip.(他跌了一跤将髋关节摔裂。)
She tripped and fell last night and broke her hip.(她昨晚绊倒了,摔断了髋关节。)
Hundreds of years later, people developed a new kind of schoolbag called the budai, or the "hip pocket".(几百年后,人们发明了一种新的书包,称为布袋,或“臀部口袋”。)
She struck a pose, one hand on her hip and the other waving an imaginary cigarette.(她摆出一个姿势,一只手叉腰,另一只手挥动着一支假想的香烟。)
It is called the femur and it goes from your hip to your knee.(它叫做大腿骨,范围从臀部到膝盖。)
Your tongue is closer to your jaw than it is to your hip in the body; so too in both the motor cortex and the somatosensory cortex.(在人体内,你的下巴相对于屁股距离你的舌头更近;而在运动皮层与感觉皮层上的位置关系也是如此。)
Judges don't have to shoot from the hip. They have the leisure to think, to decide.(法官们不必仓促作决定。他们有的是时间去思考、去裁决。)
We talked about the artificial hip, which is a modern precursor of the splint I talked about before.(我们说到的人造髋关节就是我之前讲过的夹板的现代前身。)
hip是什么意思 hip在线翻译 hip什么意思 hip的意思 hip的翻译 hip的解释 hip的发音 hip的同义词