英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 12:41:24



英 [hɒg]

美 [hɔ:g]



过去式: hogged 过去分词: hogged 现在分词: hogging 第三人称单数: hogs

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  • 猪,猪肉,长大的食用猪,阉过的肉用公猪
  • 横冲直撞的驾车者
  • 【建】拱曲
  • 又重又大的摩托车
  • 贪婪自私的人,肮脏的人,卑鄙、粗野、龉龊的人
  • 彻底地做某事,贯彻到底
  • 【动】杂食性动物
  • 尚未剪毛的羊羔
  • 从羊羔身上剪下的毛
  • 火车头
  • 【海】扫船底的扫帚
  • 公猪是前苏联研制的一种直升机
  • (使)(船底)中部拱起,(使)中拱
  • 贪心地攫取,贪取,拿取全部
  • 不顾别人安危地驾车,横冲直撞
  • 拱起(背)
  • 剪短,修剪(马鬃)
  • 【海】扫除(船底)
  • 霸占,多占,独占


1. domestic swine

Synonym: piggruntersquealerSus scrofa

2. a sheep up to the age of one year
one yet to be sheared

Synonym: hoggethogg

3. a person regarded as greedy and pig-like

Synonym: pig


1. take greedily
take more than one's share

1. 猪(英国英语中常指阉公猪,而美国英语中泛指猪)
A hog is a pig. In British English, hog usually refers to a large male pig that has been castrated, but in American English it can refer to any kind of pig.


e.g. We picked the corn by hand and we fed it to the hogs and the cows...
e.g. Johnny Warrick has a hog farm in Alabama.

2. (贪心地)攫取,独占
If you hog something, you take all of it in a greedy or impolite way.

e.g. Have you done hogging the bathroom?...
e.g. Now, Bert, quit hogging the limelight.

3. see also: road hog

4. 彻底地干;一不做二不休
If you go the whole hog, you do something bold or extravagant in the most complete way possible.

e.g. Well, I thought, I've already lost half my job, I might as well go the whole hog and lose it completely.

1. 猪:美国空军A-10雷霆二式是美国空军第一种专责密接支援的攻击机,也能执行前进空中管制任务,导引其它攻击机对地面目标进行攻击,所以一部份同型机也被编号为OA-10. 官方称它为Thunderbolt II,可是飞行员却因为它的外型与强悍性能称之为疣猪(Warthog)或简称为猪(Hog).

2. 成猪:家猪分为3种类型,大骨架脂肪型(脂肪层厚,宰后体重至少100千克)、咸肉型(宰后体重约70千克)和猪肉型(宰后体重约45千克). 猪也是制造皮革的来源. 如今猪几乎都是在完全封闭的环境下饲养的. 参阅野猪(boar)和成猪(hog).

3. 阉猪, 肥猪:boar 种猪 | hog 阉猪, 肥猪 | gilt 小母猪

4. hog的解释

4. hog:harley owners group; 哈雷车主俱乐部

  • 经典引文

  • I could hear Travis's hogs grunting sleepily in their pen.

    出自:W. Styron
  • Draught bullocks...stick in the mud, hog their backs, droop their heads and die.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

It takes about six months for higher grain prices to translate to higher cattle and hog prices.(粮食的价格上涨大约需要六个月的时间才能转化为牛和猪的价格上涨。)
Well, I thought, I've already lost half my job, I might as well go the whole hog and lose it completely.(嗯,我想,我已经丢了一半的工作了,我还不如彻底放弃算了。)
A hog is the ultimate discretionary buy, not ideal in these times.(大号摩托是其终极买主,在这个时代并不能体现完美。)
Don't hog the shower!(别占着浴室了!)
But the debate is nonetheless likely to hog the headlines for days afterwards.(尽管如此,这场辩论也有可能在随后的几天里占据各大新闻的头版头条。)
ON A typical home network, video is by far the biggest bandwidth hog.(在一个典型的家庭网络中,视频最耗带宽。)
Which apps and services do you find hog up the most memory and lead to slowdowns?(你发现哪些应用程序和服务占用内存最多,而且会拖慢系统速度呢?)
That rapid replication rate also increased the chances of strains evolving in ways that allowed them to evade hog immune systems.(那样迅速的复制速度也增加了菌株进化的机会,使它们能够用种种方式避开猪的免疫系统。)
There will be no barbecue, no hog roast, no beer tent, no fun fair and there will be no ghost tours.(没有烧烤、没有烤猪、没有啤酒棚、没有游乐园,也没有幽灵之旅。)
The cops come in, hog-tie him, chuck him in the back of an ambulance.(这些警察进来,捆住他的手脚,把他扔到救护车后面。)
hog是什么意思 hog在线翻译 hog什么意思 hog的意思 hog的翻译 hog的解释 hog的发音 hog的同义词