1. be persistent, refuse to stop
e.g. he persisted to call me every night
The child persisted and kept asking questions
Synonym: perseverepersisthang inhang on
2. stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments
e.g. Hold on a moment!
Synonym: stop
3. hold the phone line open
e.g. Please hang on while I get your folder
Synonym: hang onhold the line
4. hold firmly
Synonym: grasp
5. retain possession of
e.g. Can I keep my old stuffed animals?
She kept her maiden name after she married
Synonym: keep
1. 握住;抓牢
If you hold on, or hold onto something, you keep your hand on it or around it, for example to prevent the thing from falling or to support yourself.
e.g. His right arm was extended up beside his head, still holding on to a coffee cup...
e.g. He was struggling to hold onto a rock on the face of the cliff...
2. 坚持不懈
If you hold on, you manage to achieve success or avoid failure in spite of great difficulties or opposition.
hold on的解释
e.g. Juanito scored for the Spaniards with only two minutes left, but the Romanians held on...
e.g. This Government deserved to lose power a year ago. It held on.
3. 稍等;等一下
If you ask someone to hold on, you are asking them to wait for a short time.
e.g. The manager asked him to hold on while he investigated.
e.g. Hold on a minute.
1. hold on是什么意思
1. 坚持:号:拂晓同学晶灵宠物真可爱但是好宠不历害要想问我怎么办就去练级区走一走见到宠物就去捉评分低的就放生留下高分去合成如此连续去坚持(Hold on)未来(The future)肯定是大器!
2. 挺住:却因结交恶友反而在泥潭里陷得更深. 接下来,浪子悔悟了,他开始正视自己的弱点和疾病,用超强的个人意志让自己重新做回一个好人. 他将自己的人生观总结成两个字--挺住(hold on),这两个字被他印在了衣服上,文在了屁股上.
3. hold on的意思
3. 保持:自由,表达的是孩子在沙盘室可以做任何想做的事情,他不一定需要咨询师的参与,但需要咨询师的接纳与保持(hold on). 有了这一点,儿童很快就能进入潜意识世界,甚至是集体潜意识世界,在流动的沙子、流动的游戏中,达到意识与潜意识的连接,
4. hold on:hon; 启动马达控制