英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 12:42:46
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. the civilian population (and their activities) of a country at war


1. 大后方:hold. . . in place 使. . . 在合适的位置 | home front 大后方 | homing pigeon 信鸽

2. 后方:home economics 家政学 | home front 后方 | home page 主页

3. home front的反义词

3. 国内前線:head on-正面衝突で | home front-国内前線 | jingoism-愛国主義

4. (战时的)大后方:fighting unit 战斗单位 | home front (战时的)大后方 | weaponry (总称)武器

The danger of inflation stalked the home front because of this "inflationary gap".(由于存在这种差距,国内就笼罩着通货膨胀的危险。)
Take a break; you can finally mend any disputes on the home front.(休息一下,你一定会解决所有的家庭纷争的。)
No longer content with its 6% (and growing) market share, Apple seems to be commencing a full-scale challenge to Microsoft on its home front.(apple不再满足于6%(仍在增长)的市场份额,它似乎要在大后方向Microsoft发起全面挑战。)
In the meantime, however, a funny thing is happening on the home front.(同时,然而,一件有趣的事正在国内发生。)
On the home front, any women who got pregnant while her husband was overseas became a social outcast.(在后方,女人假如有丈夫海外服役,却怀了孕,社交上会被孤立。)
The man goes off to war while the woman stays home and takes care of the home front.(男人去打仗,女人留在家里照顾孩子。)
Syria is beefing up security on its home front in a sign of escalating tension with Israel.(由于和以色列的紧张关系升级,叙利亚增强了后方的安全部署。)
Emotional deception will cause friction on the home front.(家中的情感欺骗会引起家庭矛盾。)
Disagreements on the home front are never easy to deal with.(后方的争论很不容易对付。)
Expect temper tantrums on the home front if you haven't been letting someone have their way.(如果你没有让家里的某些成员得到他们想要的,他们很有可能会发脾气的。)
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