英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:18:47
  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

1. 自己动手做的;家里做的
Something that is home-made has been made in someone's home, rather than in a shop or factory.


e.g. The bread, pastry and mayonnaise are home-made...
e.g. A home-made bomb exploded during the disturbances.

1. home-made的意思

1. 自制的:home heating oil 家用燃料油 | home made 自制的 | home market 国内市场

2. 国产的:home equipment国产设备 | home-made国产的 | homogeneous均匀的、单一的、同质的

3. home-made的解释

3. 家庭自制:按摩浴池/按摩浴缸 HOT TUB | 家庭自制 home-made | 工厂生产制造 manufactured

4. 自制的;家里做的:guilty 内疚的;有罪的 | home-made 自制的;家里做的 | instance 例子;实例

Commentators talked of natural genius, as though he was still a seven-year-old whacking a pebble with a home-made club on a beach in Cantabria.(解说员评论他时总是说“天赋”,好像他还是那个在坎塔布·里亚沙滩上用自制球棒玩卵石的七岁小孩。)
In the past, Cubans made the crossing-just over 100 miles (160km) between Havana and Key west-in home-made rafts.(以前,古巴人乘自制木筏横渡大海——从哈瓦那到基韦斯特仅有100多英里(160km)。)
The reason? At their last meeting, the candidate had brought a box of home-made biscuits into the office.(我认识的一位招聘经理告诉我,他曾经发现自己把一个特别的应聘者的简历放在他送给老板的所有候选人简历的最上面。)
A simple home-made favour presented in a lovely favour box can be a great gift to receive.(包装在可爱的谢礼盒里的一份简单的自制谢礼,就是很好的礼物。)
What we need to cook a pea soup – pea that has soaked in water for a night, smoked ribs, home-made smoked sausage.(我们煮豌豆汤需要准备的是—用水浸泡一夜的豌豆,熏制的排骨和家庭自制的熏肠。)
It has no sneezing pandas, tedious home-made tirades or any of the other detritus with which YouTube is filled.(Hulu网站没有“喷嚏熊猫”、乏味的自制长篇批评演说和其他杂七杂八的东西,而这些在YouTube上到处都是。)
At 9am every morning, home-made meals are picked up in special boxes, which are loaded onto trolleys and pushed to a railway station.(每天早上9点,家庭制作餐盒将被从专门的盒饭里选出,放到手推车上,运抵火车站。)
Some 14% said they would be pleased with a home-made card, and only 3% said they wanted a purchased gift like roses, chocolate or Sunday brunch.(约有14%的受访母亲表示,收到孩子自制的卡片就会很开心;而只有3%的母亲表示,自己想要孩子买来的礼物,如玫瑰花、巧克力或是周日早午餐。)
His brother Fred remembered him building telescopes and launching home-made rockets.(他的兄弟弗莱德记得他制作过望远镜、发射过自制的火箭。)
It began as a joke, putting home-made salad dressing in an old wine bottle, tying it with a ribbon and giving it to friends.(这始于一个玩笑,他将自家制作的沙拉酱装在一个旧酒瓶里再系上一个蝴蝶结送给自己的朋友们。)
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