英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 15:41:38


英 [ˌhʌləbəˈlu:]

美 [ˈhʌləbəˌlu]


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  • 吵闹,喧嚣,喧哗
  • 吵闹声
  • 混乱,骚动



1. disturbance usually in protest

Synonym: agitationexcitementturmoilupheaval

1. 吵闹声;喧嚣;喧哗
A hullabaloo is a lot of noise or fuss made by people who are angry or excited about something.


e.g. I was scared by the hullabaloo over my arrival.


1. 喧嚣:hull 外壳 | hullabaloo 喧嚣 | hulled 有壳的

2. 喧嚷声,吵闹声:hucksterize 强制推销 | hullabaloo 喧嚷声,吵闹声 | humdinger 极好的人或事

3. 吵闹(声), (混乱, 骚动)声:hic 打嗝声 | hullabaloo 吵闹(声), (混乱, 骚动)声 | oho 表示惊讶, 高兴, 嘲弄时所发声音


4. 喧嚣; 吵闹; 喧哗 (名):hull 去壳 (动) | hullabaloo 喧嚣; 吵闹; 喧哗 (名) | hum 嗡嗡声, 杂声, 哼声 (名)

  • 经典引文

  • A terrible hullabaloo of hammering, wedging, ripping, and splitting.

    出自:J. Hersey
  • The excitement, the hullabaloo, the world interest of Tutankhamun's tomb.

    出自:W. Golding
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

So instead of pining away, or using your energy to become cross and resentful of all the hullabaloo, why not buy some ten-cent Valentines meant for elementary students and pass them around!(所以与其一个人憔悴悲哀,或是把精力道路放在对节日喧嚣的烦恼和怨恨上,为什么不买一些价格十美分小学生那样的圣诞卡,四处分发呢!)
I'm getting awfully tired of your hullabaloo, okay?(我真厌倦了你的唠叨好吗?)
Most of the time, her eyes are examining the inner herself other than observing the living masses and world of hullabaloo.(她的眼睛,更多的时候在是审视自己的内心世界,而不是在观察芸芸众生和纷繁尘世。)
There are many people who "the moment they alight from the official carriage" make a hullabaloo.(有许多人“下车伊始”,就哇喇哇喇地发议论。)
But ultimately, the most successful women don't get too caught up in all the attractiveness hullabaloo.(不过最终,那些最成功的女性不会在魅力问题上太受困扰。)
They like to live in the countryside, far way from crowd and hullabaloo.(他们喜欢住在乡村,远离人群和喧嚣。)
The first performance of the iconoclastic composition caused a tremendous hullabaloo in the audience .(第一场打破传统习俗作品的表演在观众中引起了极大的骚动。)
I was scared by the hullabaloo over my arrival.(人声鼎沸的欢迎场面把我吓了一跳。)
In such case, all hullabaloo will be under feet.(这样,才能将所有的喧嚣,踩在脚底。)
Horn: Toot hullabaloo, cry to be not done only, or much cry and little wool, with those "say less to be done more" doer photograph is compared, lose a chance more easily in competition.(喇叭型:呜哩哇啦,只喊不做,或雷声大雨点小,同那些“少说多做”的实干家相比,在竞争中更轻易失去机会。)
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