英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:26:15


英 [ˌhaɪpərɪnˈfleɪʃn]

美 [ˌhaɪpərɪnˈfleʃən]


形容词: hyperinflationary

  • 详情解释

  • 网络解释

  • 极度通货膨胀,超通货膨胀,过度膨胀,恶性通货膨胀(非常严重的通货膨胀)

1. 极度通货膨胀:中国在1940年代的极度通货膨胀(HYPERINFLATION)是中共于49年夺取政权的因素之一中国人至今记得这个教训.这样一来纪很好理解中共最大的经济恶梦是高通货膨胀导致社会动荡......

2. hyperinflation的解释

2. 过度充气:下列叙述何者错误肺部X光片呈现过度充气(hyperinflation)慢性阻塞性肺病不会有气道过度敏感(hyperresponsiveness)之表现支气管气喘与异位体质(atopy)关联性较大关於气喘患者测定尖峰吐气流速(PEFR)之叙述,

3. hyperinflation的反义词

3. 惡性通脹:交通银行IPO价格定于每股2.5港元 -高盛 高盛(Goldman Sachs)表示,中国第五大银行交通银行(Bank of Communi...调查显示,WTO逐渐丧失功能 全球化研究会教授沙利(Razeen Sally)日前的一份报告指,WTO成员面对恶性通胀(hyperinflation),使WTO几乎失去

The fear of sudden natural disaster caused hyperinflation to occur in certain food markets because of panic buying by the public.(由于担心自然灾害会突然降临,公众疯狂抢购,导致了一些食品市场的高通胀。)
Leaving the euro could cause hyperinflation.(此外离开欧元可能导致超通胀。)
The hyperinflation of recent years, for instance, has been brought under control.(例如,近几年的过度通胀已经得到控制。)
Glenn Beck has been warning about imminent hyperinflation since 2008.(从2008年到现在,格伦·贝克一直在警告说会出现恶性通货膨胀。)
However, that will almost certainly lead to a dollar crash and hyperinflation.(然而,那几乎必然会导致美元的崩溃和一次恶性通货膨胀。)
Ecuador adopted the dollar as its currency in 2000, after suffering hyperinflation and a financial collapse that saw 1m people migrate.(遭受超级通货膨胀和金融崩溃并有100万人迁移后,2000年秘鲁将美元作为其官方货币。)
Being reminded by a colleague of the German hyperinflation of the 1920s made both of us hurry to the Google search engine for dates and indices.(在经历过1920年德国的恶性通货膨胀同事提醒之后,大家都急于向谷歌搜索引擎寻找当日指数的日期。)
Realizing that this type of hyperinflation and denomination increase was not sustainable, the Pengo was replaced by the Forint.(意识到了这种程度的恶性通货膨胀和面值的增加速度没法维持下去,匈牙利平格就被新货币福林所取代。)
However, that will almost certainly lead to dollar crash and hyperinflation.(然而这几乎肯定会导致美元崩溃和恶性通胀。)
Marc is far more certain than I am that hyperinflation lies ahead.(马克比我更为肯定,说恶性通胀就在前头。)
hyperinflation是什么意思 hyperinflation在线翻译 hyperinflation什么意思 hyperinflation的意思 hyperinflation的翻译 hyperinflation的解释 hyperinflation的发音 hyperinflation的同义词