英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 15:47:27



英 [ˈaɪsi]

美 [ˈaɪsi]


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副词: icily 比较级: icier 最高级: iciest 名词: iciness

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  • 冰冷的
  • 覆盖着冰的
  • 结满冰的
  • 冷冰冰的
  • 不友好的
  • 多冰的
  • 像冰一样滑的
  • 缺乏热情的
  • 冰似的
  • 冷淡的
  • 冰冻的
  • 嗓音、态度等
  • 冰的
  • 冰封着的
  • 冰多的
  • 生疏的
  • 冰寒的
  • 凛冽的
  • 冰天雪地的
  • 冻坏了的
  • 冰提


1. covered with or containing or consisting of ice

e.g. icy northern waters

2. shiny and slick as with a thin coating of ice

e.g. roads and trees glazed with an icy film

3. extremely cold

e.g. an arctic climate
a frigid day
gelid waters of the North Atlantic
glacial winds
icy hands
polar weather

Synonym: arcticfrigidgelidglacialpolar

4. devoid of warmth and cordiality
expressive of unfriendliness or disdain

e.g. a frigid greeting
got a frosty reception
a frozen look on their faces
a glacial handshake
icy stare
wintry smile

Synonym: frigidfrostyfrozenglacialwintry

1. 冰冷的;极冷的
If you describe something as icy or icy cold, you mean that it is extremely cold.

e.g. An icy wind blew hard across the open spaces...
e.g. His shoes and clothing were wet through and icy cold.

2. 结冰的;冰冻的
An icy road has ice on it.

3. 冷冰冰的;不友好的;冷漠的
If you describe a person or their behaviour as icy, you mean that they are not affectionate or friendly, and they show their dislike or anger in a quiet, controlled way.

e.g. His response was icy.

'Have you finished?' he asked icily...
The prison official is icily polite and bureaucratic.

1. 曹方:其实女主唱的声音让我马上想到两位歌手:陈绮贞(Cheer)还有大陆的一位歌手曹方 (Icy)两个人的声音都是属於同一类型的很清新,而且又有点校园民谣的感觉,这种歌最适合在寂静的晚上泡上一杯咖啡来听,懒懒的又很舒服,很容易入睡.

2. 冰:何守信 殷大德(George) 郑欣宜 余乐儿(Joyce)王祖蓝 邓励军(Bobby) 吴君丽 锺温继好赵永洪 莫迪高(Marco) 盖鸣晖 陈德喜(Linda)邓永健 苏同和(Gary) 李绮雯陆冰冰(Icy)毕打自己人剧情简介 <>(英文:OffPedder),

3. 冰冷的:happy 高兴的 | icy 冰冷的 | invent 发明

4. 冰的:iceberg 冰山 | icy 冰的 | idea 主意

5. icy:instruction cycle; 指令周期

  • 经典引文

  • A continual icy wind blew.

    出自:P. S. Buck
  • 近义词

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Icy roads are a hidden danger to motorists.(覆盖着冰的路面对驾驶汽车的人是个危险的隐患。)
He pulled Jack out of the icy water by the neck.(他抓住杰克的脖子把他从冰冷的水中拉了出来。)
The roads were icy.(道路都结冰了。)
He had slipped on an icy pavement.(他在结冰的人行道上滑倒了。)
The icy wind nipped at our faces.(寒风刺疼了我们的脸。)
He sprinkled sand along the icy path.(他沿着结冰的路撒砂子。)
He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water.(他准备跳入冰冷的黑水。)
Five hundred miles west of Iceland, he and his men reached an icy rocky mass of land.(在冰岛以西500英里的地方,他和他的部下到达了一片冰封的岩石地带。)
Motorists have been warned to beware of icy roads.(已经提醒开车的人当心冰封的路面。)
My eyes met his icy gaze.(我的双眼迎视他冰冷的目光。)
icy是什么意思 icy在线翻译 icy什么意思 icy的意思 icy的翻译 icy的解释 icy的发音 icy的同义词