英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 12:44:55



英 [aɪ'di:əlɪ]

美 [aɪˈdiəli]


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  • 理想地,理想上
  • 观念上
  • 完美地,尽善尽美地
  • 按理想来说
  • 最好
  • 在理论上


1. in an ideal manner

e.g. ideally, this will remove all problems

1. 作为理想的做法;合乎理想地
If you say that ideally a particular thing should happen or be done, you mean that this is what you would like to happen or be done, but you know that this is may not be possible or practical.

e.g. People should, ideally, eat much less fat.

2. 最适合地;绝好地;完美地
If you say that someone or something is ideally suited, ideally located, or ideally qualified, you mean that they are as well suited, located, or qualified as they could possibly be.


e.g. They were an extremely happy couple, ideally suited...
e.g. The hotel is ideally situated for country walks...

1. ideally的反义词

1. 理想情况下:例于,考察下面的程序,使用已存在的 String.Split 方法分拆这些字符串成一段段的部分(breaks strings into tokens):理想情况下(Ideally),我们希望我们的查询返回一个包含一个个 token 段的结合的序列(coalesced sequence),


2. 理想地,理论上地:He is an ideal adviser. 他是一个完美的谋士. | ideally 理想地,理论上地 | He is ideally suited to the job. 他最适合做这项工作.


3. 理想的:lattice格子 | ideally理想的 | sapphire蓝宝石

  • 经典引文

  • The unexpected conclusion..that more than three dimensions in space are ideally possible.

    出自:W. B. Carpenter
But ideally, the pedestrian mall would be used by local residents, not just people working in the city or visiting the area.(但最理想的情况是,步行街能被当地居民使用,而不仅仅是在城市工作或来参观的人。)
Ideally you should keep a tooth brush in your pocket and use it immediately after you have finished eating.(理想情况下,你应该在口袋里放一把牙刷,吃完后立即使用。)
Tableware for outdoor use should ideally be unbreakable.(户外使用的餐具最好是不容易被打破的。)
Ideally, there should be no Log pages read.(理想情况下,应该没有日志页面读。)
Ideally, I'd like to live in New York, but that's not possible.(按理想来说,我希望住在纽约,但那是不可能的。)
Ideally, she would love to become pregnant again.(按理想来说,她想要再次怀孕。)
The company is ideally placed to take advantage of the new legislation.(这家公司条件理想得很,恰好可以充分利用新法规。)
Ideally, our preference would be to have our own office.(理想情况下,我们希望能拥有自己的办公室。)
The reason for constructing the buildings from wood is probably that ideally proportioned straight and slender timber was available in large quantities in Scandinavia's vast pine forests.(用木材建造建筑的原因可能是,比例理想、笔直、纤细的木材在斯堪的纳维亚广阔的松林中大量存在。)
Ideally, I'd like to take this into a controlled lab environment.(理想情况下,我想把这个放到一个受控的实验室环境中。)
ideally是什么意思 ideally在线翻译 ideally什么意思 ideally的意思 ideally的翻译 ideally的解释 ideally的发音 ideally的同义词