英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:28:24



英 [ˈaɪdl]

美 [ˈaɪdl]




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  • 偶像
  • 幽灵
  • 神像
  • 【逻】谬论,谬见
  • 幻像
  • 红人
  • 受崇拜的人或物
  • 异教崇拜的神,非正统的受崇拜的神
  • 邪神
  • 假神
  • [C]偶像 an image worshipped as a god
  • [C]极受崇拜的人〔物〕; 宠儿 sb/sth admired or loved too much


1. a material effigy that is worshipped

e.g. thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
money was his god

Synonym: graven imagegod

2. an ideal instance
a perfect embodiment of a concept

Synonym: paragonperfectionbeau ideal

3. someone who is adored blindly and excessively

Synonym: matinee idol

1. 偶像
If you refer to someone such as a film, pop, or sports star as an idol, you mean that they are greatly admired or loved by their fans.


e.g. A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught sight of their idol...
e.g. He looks more like a stockbroker than a teen idol.

2. 圣像;神像
An idol is a statue or other object that is worshipped by people who believe that it is a god.

3. 堕落的偶像
If you refer to someone as a fallen idol, you mean that they have lost people's respect and admiration because of something bad that they have done.

e.g. He was once worshipped like a god but is now a fallen idol.


1. 幻象:FSC下设幻象(IDOL),雪百合(SNOWLILY),昂客(UNC),异色(ISM)工作室,分别在不同艺术领域进行新的探索. 同时,FSC设有艺术论坛,为年轻的艺术家们提供一个交流的场所,同时也企盼各位朋友为FSC的发展多多提供良好的建议!

2. 偶像, 崇拜物, 幻象, [逻]谬论:put this in your hat [美俚]你认真想吧 记住这一点吧 | idol 偶像, 崇拜物, 幻象, [逻]谬论 | preformed precipitate 预沉淀

3. 神像:神像:弹药:弹药、子弹、Bullet | 神像:神像、Idol | 圣契:圣契、Libram

4. idol:intelligent data operating layer; 即智能数据操作层

  • 常用例句

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  • 经典引文

  • Blind worship of this idol must be ended.
  • The football player was the idol of many young people.
  • The baby boy was the idol of his family.
用作名词 (n.)
  • Idols of which the Bible speaks: that people prayed before them.

    出自:E. H. Gombrich
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He was my idol.(他曾是我的偶像。)
In many aspects, I regarded her as my idol indeed.(在许多方面,我都把她当成我的偶像。)
I knew that my God was a real God and [theirs] was an idol.(我知道我的神灵是真正的神灵,而[他们的]不过是泥雕木偶。)
Anything that is more important to you than God is an idol.(偶像是一切在你心里比神更重要的东西。)
"Screen Idol"?(“大荧幕偶像”?)
My idol is Jack Ma because he establishes Alibaba, one of the most famous IT companies in China from scratch.(我的偶像是马云,因为他白手起家,创办了中国最出名的一家网络科技公司——阿里巴巴。)
Idol worship is what extremists call it.(极端主义者称其为偶像崇拜。)
An idol can be making money. An idol can be a dream.(偶像可以是你的事业,男友,赚钱,做梦。)
A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught sight of their idol.(一看见他们的偶像,人群爆发出一阵热烈的欢呼声。)
some say you shouldn't because you'll find your idol has feet of clay, while others argue the opportunity is too good to miss.(一些人说不应该,因为你会发现你的偶像也会有致命弱点,而另一些人则反对,认为机会难得不能失去。)
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