英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:28:29



英 [ɪˈdɪlɪk]

美 [aɪˈdɪlɪk]


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  • 田园诗(般)的
  • 牧歌的
  • 生动逼真的
  • 平和美丽的
  • 完美无瑕的
  • 质朴宜人的
  • 诗情画意的
  • 朴素的
  • 纯朴的
  • 田园风光的
  • 平和欢畅的
  • 田园短诗的
  • 描写牧人生活的
  • 悠闲的
  • 质朴宜人的
  • 形象化的
  • 田园诗


1. excellent and delightful in all respects

e.g. an idyllic spot for a picnic

2. suggestive of an idyll
charmingly simple and serene

e.g. his idyllic life in Tahiti

1. 安恬的;田园诗般的;质朴宜人的
If you describe something as idyllic, you mean that it is extremely pleasant, simple, and peaceful without any difficulties or dangers.

e.g. ...an idyllic setting for a summer romance...
e.g. Married life was not as idyllic as he had imagined.

1. 田园诗的:idyll 田园诗 | idyllic 田园诗的 | idyllist 田园诗人

2. idyllic

2. 田园的:3. inhabited (居住) | 4. idyllic (田园的) | 5. paradise (天堂)


3. 田园诗般的:idleness 懒散 | idyllic 田园诗般的 | impediment 妨碍

4. 田园短诗的:Ideology 意识形态 | Idyllic 田园短诗的 | Illicit 违法的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

With such an 12 idyllic nature, one could easily forget the island's war-ridden past.(在这种田园诗般的自然环境里,人们很容易就会忘记这座小岛过去曾遭受的战乱。)
Cricket reminds the English of this idyllic rural scene and leisurely pace of life.(板球总是能唤起英国人对田园式的农村风景和悠闲的生活节奏的情愫。)
Hopefully they will mean more of us can look forward to that idyllic retirement after all.(但愿这些先锋疗法最后可以让我们更多的憧憬无忧无虑退休生活。)
When all borders are crossable and all boundaries permeable, it is harder to imagine an idyllic realm or a permanent enemy.(当所有的边境都敞开大门,人们就更难想象出一个田园般的王国,或者永久的敌人。)
When all borders are crossable, it is harder to imagine an idyllic realm.(当所有边界都是可跨越的时,很难想象一个田园般的境界。)
It appears to be an idyllic domestic setup.(它看起来是一种田园式的家庭组织方式。)
The cottage sounds idyllic.(小屋看来恬静宜人。)
The island provided an idyllic setting for the concert.(这岛为音乐会提供了优美的田园布景。)
I grew up in an idyllic town in Canada with great community support and a sense of commitment to one another.(我在加拿大一个宁静安逸的小镇中长大。在那儿社区支持着每家每户,大伙之间坦诚相待。)
This idyllic lifestyle hasn't busted Hill's retirement budget.(田园诗般的生活并没有超出Hill的退休预算。)
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