英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:29:01



英 [ɪlk]

美 [ɪlk]



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  • 家族
  • 同类
  • 亲属
  • 种类,类型
  • 等级
  • 伊尔克(音译名)
  • 相同的,同一的



1. a kind of person

e.g. We'll not see his like again
I can't tolerate people of his ilk

Synonym: like

1. …之辈;…之类
If you talk about people or things of the same ilk, you mean people or things of the same type as a person or thing that has been mentioned.


e.g. He currently terrorises politicians and their ilk on 'Newsnight'...
e.g. Where others of his ilk have battled against drugs, Gabriel's problems have centred on his marriage.

1. ilk是什么意思

1. 同类;等级;同一的:iling structure 桩基结构 | ilk 同类;等级;同一的 | ill condition 病态

2. 相同的:ilium 髂骨 | ilk 相同的 | ilka 每一个的

3. 種類:iliopectineal fascia ==> 髂耻弓,髂耻筋膜 | ilk ==> 種類 | ill weed ==> 为害大的杂草


4. (牛奶):___og (狗) | __ilk (牛奶) | __ at(猫)

5. ilk:integron linked kinase; 整合素连接激酶

6. ilk:integirn linked kinase; 探讨整合素连接激酶

7. ilk:intergrin linked kinase; 与整合素链接激酶

8. ilk:intergin linked kinase; 整合素相关激酶

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1. of that ilk : [苏](姓氏与出生地等)相同的;

  • Knockwinnocks of that Ilk.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He was delighted in seeing us and the boxes of donations, filled with clothes, backpacks, and the ilk.(罗老师看到我们以及捐赠物资如书包和衣服等很高兴。)
They directly influenced Slayer and bands of that ilk.(他们直接影响了“杀手”乐队以及那个流派的众多乐队。)
Unfortunately for global warming proponents, Mother Nature has simply refused to comply with what Al Gore and his countless ilk described as fact.(对于全球变暖论点的支持者来说这不是个好消息,大自然非常简单干脆的拒绝了配合艾。高以及他的无数关于这一事实的描述。)
Yet Sharif and its ilk continue to thrive.(然而谢里夫及其同类大学继续茁壮成长。)
iPads and their ilk may yet turninto a practical alternative to textbooks.(iPad及其类似产品可能成为实用的教科书。)
Faced with Numbers like that, what hope do the Vatican and its ilk really have?(面对这个数字,梵蒂冈和它的相关组织持有什么观点呢?)
The results suggested that ILK might be involved in fibrotic process or senescent process in aging kidney.(提示整合素连接激酶可能涉及到老龄肾脏的纤维化过程或衰老过程。)
Where others of his ilk have battled against drugs, Gabriel's problems have centred on his marriage.(在加布里埃尔的同辈们都与毒品作斗争时,他的问题却集中于自己的婚姻上。)
I had used to go into Howsbay twice a year, to trade my inks and dyes for fabric for clothing and POTS and things of that ilk.(我已经习惯每年去郝斯湾两趟,用我自制的墨水和染料,换点做衣服的布料、锅子和各家出产的杂物等。)
Of course, a segment of the population, particularly those whose computers seized up last week, have complicated feelings toward Mr. Gates and his ilk.(当然,有些人,特别是那些在上周电脑停止工作的人,对盖茨先生和他的高科技同僚有着另一番难以言说的感受。)
ilk是什么意思 ilk在线翻译 ilk什么意思 ilk的意思 ilk的翻译 ilk的解释 ilk的发音 ilk的同义词