英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:31:41



英 [ɪmˈpi:tʃ]

美 [ɪmˈpitʃ]


名词: impeacher 过去式: impeached 过去分词: impeached 现在分词: impeaching 第三人称单数: impeaches

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1. bring an accusation against
level a charge against

e.g. The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse

Synonym: accuseincriminatecriminate

2. charge (a public official) with an offense or misdemeanor committed while in office

e.g. The President was impeached

3. challenge the honesty or veracity of

e.g. the lawyers tried to impeach the credibility of the witnesses

1. 控告;弹劾
If a court or a group in authority impeaches a president or other senior official, it charges them with committing a crime which makes them unfit for office.

e.g. ...an opposition move to impeach the President.

1. 控告:[4]顺着这条思路,人们通常认为可以为控告(impeach)一位可能被相对方传唤(called)的证人而搜寻信息. 不过,在一些情形下,法庭会对当事人提出控告程序的义务予以限制. 至于 什么情形才构成控告,则是一个难以回答的问题. 必须明确的是,

2. 弹劾:安华一旦成功取得赛夫的口供书,以及能够证明赛夫的口供与他本身所面对的鸡奸控状有出入,他将申请弹劾(impeach)赛夫及撤销鸡奸指控.

3. 劾:弹劾(impeach)制起源于英国,以后被许多国家采用. 虽然各国发起弹劾动议的主体、受弹劾的官员范围和行为有所区别,但总的来说,弹劾案的提出权主要属于议会;弹劾的对象只是国家行政首脑、高级行政官员,如英国只限于内阁成员政府大臣,

4. 非难,指责,检举:impart 传递,给与,告诉 | impeach 非难,指责,检举 | impede 阻碍

  • 经典引文

  • My daughter's happiness is threatened and her character impeached.

    出自:A. K. Green
I impeach him in the name of the Commons of Great Britain in parliament assembled, whose parliamentary trust he has betrayed.(我以大不列颠下议院的名义在议会会议上控告他有负议会的信任。)
Richard M. Nixon: They can't impeach me for bombing Cambodia.(尼克松:他们不能控告我对柬埔寨的轰炸。)
The Distributor will not infringe or impeach the patents or trademarks under which the Products or parts are sold.(经销商在经销产品和部件时,不会涉嫌专利或商标侵权。)
Taoism claims that Talisman is the god of writing, is to convey the character of divine faith, with which you can call impeach ghost gods, subdue the town of magic, healing in addition to disaster.(道教声称,符箓是天神的文字,是传达天神意旨的符信,用它可以召神劾鬼,降妖镇魔,治病除灾。)
We must impeach the judge for taking bribes.(我们一定要检举法官收受贿赂。)
Mr Musharraf eventually resigned when parliament threatened to impeach him; Mr Zardari won an indirect ballot to replace him.(扎尔达里先生在一次间接投票(?)中获胜取代了穆沙拉夫。)
To this thing itself I am impeach.(对这件事本身我是存疑的。)
But the editor doesn’t quite have absolute power: an invitation-only steering committee can impeach him in the unlikely event of a Strangelove scenario.(其实编辑也并非拥有绝对的权力:一个仅由受邀人员组成的指导委员会可以质疑编辑的偏执做法。)
Begging people to impeach the tyrant-free, but all in vain and back.(人们苦苦哀求暴君的劾免,但都徒劳而返。)
Because be new business, many passengers are right this heart impeach Lv: How can " travel website sell a train ticket?"(由于是新业务,不少旅客对此都心存疑虑:“旅游网站怎么会出售火车票呢?”)
impeach是什么意思 impeach在线翻译 impeach什么意思 impeach的意思 impeach的翻译 impeach的解释 impeach的发音 impeach的同义词