You allowed your kingly power to vanish, Shajahan, but your wish was to make imperishable a tear-drop of love.(沙杰汗①,你宁愿听任皇权消失,却希望使一滴爱的泪珠②永存。)
Perhaps it should have paid more attention to Sellar and Yeatman's imperishable 1066 and All That, with its spoof exam questions: 'Arrange in this order: (a) Henry I; (b) Henry II; (c) Henry III.(也许他们该花更多精力关注塞勒与耶曼的不朽名著《诸如1066》上的讽刺试题:“按此排序:(a)亨利一世;(b)亨利二世;(a)亨利三世。”)
Secondly, apparel product is imperishable fashion product that means the decrease demand significantly at the end of selling season, i. e. its value is inverse rate with time.(第二,服装产品是“非易腐”性的流行产品,它的需求在销售季节末端显著下降,它的价值与时间成反比。)
That the great elements enter, together with their functions and the mind, through its minute parts the framer of all beings, the imperishable one.(这伟大的内容输入,连同其职能和心灵,通过它分钟部分的成帧器的众生的不朽之一。)
My memories are within me, imperishable.(我的记忆刻在心间,永不磨灭。)
You are the imperishable preserver of eternal righteousness, You are the everlasting, Supreme Ultimate Personality.(您就是永恒正理的不朽维护者。您是永存的至尊根本人格神首。)
A small imperishable poem is enough if you want to leave a good name to posterity.(倘想流芳千古,一首不朽的小诗足矣。)
Quyuan is the first great poet in the history of Chinese literature. His imperishable poems and his life are fused to light up the luciferous ideal.(屈原是我国文学史上第一个伟大诗人,他用自己的生命熔铸的不朽诗篇,昭示了光明的理想。)
The wind of Death's imperishable wing?(以及死而不朽的羽翼所鼓荡的风流?)
It is that state which is tranquil, final, and imperishable.(它是这样的状态它是平静的,最终的,和不灭的。)
imperishable是什么意思 imperishable在线翻译 imperishable什么意思 imperishable的意思 imperishable的翻译 imperishable的解释 imperishable的发音 imperishable的同义词