英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:34:16



英 [ˈɪmpjədənt]

美 [ˈɪmpjədənt]


副词: impudently

  • 详情解释

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  • 厚颜无耻的,大胆无耻的,不要脸的,卑鄙的
  • 无礼的,荒唐失礼的
  • 放肆的,胆大妄为的
  • 冒失的,鲁莽的,莽撞的
  • 不(谦)恭的,傲慢的
  • 粗鲁的
  • 过分的
  • 厚颜无耻的人;无礼的人



1. improperly forward or bold

e.g. don't be fresh with me
impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup
an impudent boy given to insulting strangers
Don't get wise with me!

Synonym: freshimpertinentoverboldsmartsaucysassywise

2. marked by casual disrespect

e.g. a flip answer to serious question
the student was kept in for impudent behavior

Synonym: insolentsnotty-nosedflip

1. 放肆的;无礼的
If you describe someone as impudent, you mean they are rude or disrespectful, or do something they have no right to do.


e.g. Some of them were impudent and insulting.

One sister had the impudence to wear the other's clothes.

1. 鲁莽的;厚颜的;冒失的:imprudent 轻率的, 鲁莽的 | impudent 鲁莽的;厚颜的;冒失的 | refulgent 辉煌的, 灿烂的

2. 粗鲁无礼的:粗鲁无礼: rudeness, impudence, impertinence, insolence, disrespect | 粗鲁无礼的: rude, impudent, impertinent, insolent, fresh | 到达,完成: achieve, carry out, complete, do, finish, fulfill, accompli...

3. 放肆无礼的:impudence 无耻 | impudent 放肆无礼的 | impudicity 无耻

4. 放肆地:imprudent轻率的a | impudent放肆地 | impuissance无权的

  • 经典引文

  • The remark had been injudicious and..undeniably impudent.

    出自:N. Monsarrat
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Here Tink, who was in her bedroom, eavesdropping, squeaked out something impudent.(叮叮铃在她的卧室里偷听着,尖声说了些无礼的话。)
This impudent criticism was my first contribution to the Bharati.(这篇狂妄的批评就是我第一次对《婆罗蒂》的投稿。)
"Impudent?" said the little girl.(“无礼?”小女孩说,“怎么会呢,夫人?”)
He is an impudent fellow!(他是个厚颜无耻的家伙!)
What an impudent rascal he is!(他是一个多么厚颜无耻的无赖之徒!)
"Well," said Martha, evidently not in the least aware that she was impudent, "it's time tha' should learn."(“好吧,”玛莎说,她显然一点也没意识到自己的无礼,“现在是该学习的时候了。”)
What on earth do you mean by all these impudent questions?(你问这么些无礼的问题到底是想说什么呢?)
The impudent boy made faces at the teacher.(无理的小孩向老师扮鬼脸。)
She was so impudent as to say such a thing.(她厚颜无耻地说出这样的话。)
She was not impudent, but a very sedated person, she is a constant giver.(她不张狂,很稳重。她不求回报,只是一味的付出又付出。)
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