英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 20:57:59

in accordance with

英 [in əˈkɔ:dəns wið]

美 [ɪn əˈkɔrdns wɪð]

副词与…一致,依照; 禀承; 秉承; 因

  • 网络解释

1. 与...一致,按照:in a word 简言之,总之 | in accordance with 与......一致,按照 | in addition 另外,加之

2. 与...一致;按照,根据:in a word 总而言之,总之 | in accordance with 与...一致;按照,根据 | in addition to 除...之外(还有)


3. 与...一致:in a word / / 总而言之 | in accordance with / / 与....一致 | in addition / / 另外

4. in accordance with在线翻译

4. in accordance with:iaw; 按照、根据

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I am submitting the claim for damages in accordance with the advice of our legal adviser.(根据我们法律顾问的建议,我提出获得损失赔偿金的要求。)
After the fall of Rome, the first European society to regulate behaviour in private life in accordance with a complicated code of etiquette was twelfth-century Provence, in France.(罗马帝国灭亡后,在欧洲,第一个按照复杂的礼节规范私人生活行为的社会,是12世纪法国的普罗旺斯。)
In accordance with the stress-triggering hypothesis, faults are unpredictably responsive to subtle stresses they obtain as neighboring faults shift.(根据应力触发假说,断层不可预测地对邻近断层移动时所获得的微妙应力作出反应。)
Competent Chinese authorities will handle relevant cases in accordance with law.(中方主管部门会依法处理相关案件。)
Text must be interpreted in accordance with the norms of genre.(解读文本必须要依照体裁规范。)
In accordance with the university by-law, the crest is displayed on university testamurs.(依照大学章程,大学的徽章显示在大学考试及格证书上。)
He was always neatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and station.(他向来衣着整洁素雅,合乎他的年龄和身份。)
They obeyed the Lord 's order, in accordance with his command through Moses.(他们守耶和华所吩咐的,都是凭耶和华吩咐摩西的.)
Minus signs are also accepted when placed in accordance with the current pattern.(依照当前模式放置,负号也被接受了。)
His memoirs will be published now in accordance with his will.(根据他的遗愿,这本书不久后将被出版。)
in accordance with是什么意思 in accordance with在线翻译 in accordance with什么意思 in accordance with的意思 in accordance with的翻译 in accordance with的解释 in accordance with的发音 in accordance with的同义词