英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 20:58:10

in back of

英 [in bæk ɔv]

美 [ɪn bæk ʌv]

在 ... 的后面; 在 ... 背后
  • 网络解释

1. in back of是什么意思

1. 在......后面:448. in an hour 一小时以后 | 449. in back of 在......后面 | 450. in bed 躺在床上

2. 在:in autumn 在秋天 | in back of 在 | in bad mood 心情不好

3. in back of的解释

3. 在...背后:in all probability * 很可能 | in back of 在...背后 | in consequence of 由于,因为

4. 介片 在...後面:inprep. 在...內;在...之中 adv. 進來 | in back of介片 在...後面 | in front of介片 在...前面

Feel how soft the skin is in the small of the back.(摸一摸腰背部的皮肤有多么柔软。)
He rammed his truck into the back of the one in front.(他把卡车蓦地撞到前一辆卡车的车尾上。)
All the kids will fit in the back of the car.(所有的孩子都可以坐到车的后排。)
Cassandra silenced him with a sharp dig in the small of the back.(卡桑德拉在他腰背上狠狠地戳了一下让他闭上了嘴。)
Her family lives in a self-contained three-bedroom suite in the back of the main house.(她一家人住在主宅后面一个独立的三居室套房里。)
He settled back in the rear of the taxi.(他在出租车后座,往后靠着坐好了。)
Far in back of the huge auditorium, a camera scans the frantic attendees.(在大礼堂后面很远的地方,一架摄像机扫描着疯狂的与会者。)
The profits growth came on the back of a 26 per cent rise in sales.(利润增长来自26%的销售额增长。)
In the old days, you had to put them in the back of a trailer.(在过去,你需要把它们放到一个拖车的后部才行。)
When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Patricia, the store manager, asked her to come to the small room in back of the store that served as an office.(当辛西娅第二天早上去上班的时候,帕特丽夏,那个便利店的经理,把她请到了店铺后面用作办公室的一个小房间里。)
in back of是什么意思 in back of在线翻译 in back of什么意思 in back of的意思 in back of的翻译 in back of的解释 in back of的发音 in back of的同义词