英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:38:26


英 [ˌɪnədˈvɜ:təntli]

美 [ˌɪnədˈvɜ:rtəntli]


  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 不慎地,不注意地,漫不经心地,疏忽地
  • 非故意地,无意地,不经意地,偶然地


1. without knowledge or intention

e.g. he unwittingly deleted the references

Synonym: unwittinglyunknowingly

1. 不注意地:impervious不受影响的,不能穿过的 | Inadvertently不注意地 | Inanimate无生命的

2. inadvertently

2. 疏忽地:inadvertence 粗心 | inadvertently 疏忽地 | inadvisable 不妥当的

3. 疏忽:inadequatepenetration 未焊透 | inadvertently 疏忽 | inalterability 不变性

4. 不注意的:implication 牵连,含意,暗示 | inadvertently 不注意的 | illustration 例子,图表,插图

The very features created to both protect and condense data can inadvertently complicate things.(每一个保护和压缩数据的功能添加都会在不经意间使事情变得复杂。)
Fitch worries that the fight against rising prices might inadvertently add to financial fragility.(惠誉担心对抗日益上涨的物价可能在不经意间增加金融的脆弱性。)
Our public finances are transparent, so we will not slide into national bankruptcy inadvertently.(我们的公共财务是透明的,所以我们不用害怕会突然陷入国家破产的局面。)
We had inadvertently left without paying the bill.(我们无意之中未付账就离开了。)
The possibility of sending a new manager was inadvertently hinted at.(无意中透露出的消息暗示可能会派来一名新经理。)
No doubt inadvertently, Samsung feeds this delusion.(毫无疑问,三星助长了这种错觉。)
Whether the public bus ride, or riding, are often inadvertently seen some people holding a Rubik's Cube in turn, or couples, or single.(无论是坐公巴,还是坐车,都常常不经意地看见一些人拿着魔方在转,或情侣,或单身。)
Permissions on instance directory have been inadvertently changed.(实例目录的权限被意外修改。)
Permissions on the instance directory are inadvertently changed.(实例目录的权限被意外变更。)
So I just, inadvertently, divided by, I have a list of lists.(所以我只要不用刻意的除以,我有的是一个链表的链表。)
inadvertently是什么意思 inadvertently在线翻译 inadvertently什么意思 inadvertently的意思 inadvertently的翻译 inadvertently的解释 inadvertently的发音 inadvertently的同义词