英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:39:47


英 [ɪnˈsaɪzə(r)]

美 [ɪnˈsaɪzɚ]


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1. a tooth for cutting or gnawing
located in the front of the mouth in both jaws

1. 门牙
Your incisors are the teeth at the front of your mouth which you use for biting into food.

1. 门牙:刘中锋在这方面的天赋(genius)丝毫不弱于他在枪械方面的能长着狐狸脸的那个司机就象做了一个屈体动作,脸朝下地扑向人行道,摔断了的门牙(incisor)都飞了出去.

2. 门齿:在自然分类系统中啮齿动物属哺乳纲(Mammalia)啮齿目,最主要的形态特征为上、下颌各有1对锄状门齿(incisor),无犬齿(canine),取代犬齿的位置是齿隙(diastem).

3. 切牙:牙(teeth)人体中最坚硬的器官,有咬切、撕裂、研磨食物及协助发音等功能. 人一生有两副牙:乳牙(milk teeth)在出生后约半岁左右开始萌出,两岁半左右出齐,共20个. 7~12岁,乳牙先后脱落牙式(dentition) 根据牙的形态和功能,可分为用以咬切食物的切牙(incisor用以撕裂食物

4. 门齿,切齿:哺乳动物的牙齿由于在切咬、咀嚼上的分工,分化为门齿(切齿)(incisor)、犬齿(canine)、前臼齿(premolar)和臼齿(molar). 门齿为切断食物之用,犬齿为刺穿和撕裂食物之用,前臼齿和臼齿为研磨食物之用. 由于同一种兽的牙齿形状和数目相同,

Purpose To analyse the characteristics of mandibular incisor point chewing movement on frontal plane orbit in youth of normal occlusion.(目的分析正常(牙合)青少年下颌切点额状面咀嚼运动轨迹的特征。)
Objective: To develop a new method of computer aided design (CAD) of veneer on maxillary incisor.(目的:尝试上颌中切牙贴面计算机辅助设计(CAD)方法。)
The overlap range of impacted canine and the root of incisors can't be used as an indicator of the extent of the incisor root resorption.(不能依靠曲面断层片上阻生牙牙冠与邻牙牙根的重叠范围来判断是否存在切牙的牙根吸收及吸收程度。)
Results All parameters of 14 teeth were achieved The parameter of TM in mandibular incisor was the highest and in mandibular first molar lowest.(结果得到右侧上下颌14颗牙的牙动度参数的正常范围,其牙动度参数的均值以下颌前牙最大,下颌第一磨牙最小。)
Management involved positioning the canine teeth into the central incisor region and placing porcelain veneers on these teeth.(管理参与定位犬齿到区域中切牙瓷贴面,把这些牙齿。)
We did a prophylaxis and a little periodontal therapy, bleaching, and a porcelain veneer for the left central incisor.(我们做了一些预防工作和牙周病治疗,漂白,为左上中切牙做了瓷贴面。)
By using the finite element method (FEM) software, the vibration of 3-d finite element model of maxillary central incisor tooth was analyzed.(在三维有限元模型的基础上,利用有限元分析软件对上颌中切牙的振动模态进行了分析。)
Incisor teeth into the cat and canine and the molars.(猫的牙齿分为门齿、犬齿和臼齿。)
The tendency of the maxillary incisor movement was a lingual-rooted, distal-rooted and extrude-crowned movement.(牙体的运动趋势表现为牙根舌向移动、牙根远中倾斜和牙冠伸长的复合运动趋势。)
The central zone of tensile stress moved to the frenal notch from the pre palate and palatal side of the denture incisor of the base;(拉应力集中区由基托前腭部、前牙腭侧移动到唇系带切迹区;)
incisor是什么意思 incisor在线翻译 incisor什么意思 incisor的意思 incisor的翻译 incisor的解释 incisor的发音 incisor的同义词