英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 16:04:27



英 [ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbl]

美 [ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbəl]


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副词: incompatibly 名词: incompatibleness

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  • 不相容的
  • 矛盾的
  • 不能和谐共存的
  • 【医】配伍禁忌的
  • 不能同时享有的
  • 【数】不相容的
  • 【逻】不能同时成立的
  • 不一致
  • 不匹配
  • 配伍禁忌的
  • 不兼容
  • 互斥的
  • 不协调的
  • 难两立的
  • 不能配合的
  • 互不相容的人
  • 药物配伍禁忌
  • 不能和谐相处(共存)的人
  • 不能配合服用的药


1. not compatible

e.g. incompatible personalities
incompatible colors

2. incapable of being used with or connected to other devices or components without modification

3. used especially of solids or solutions
incapable of blending into a stable homogeneous mixture

4. not suitable to your tastes or needs

e.g. the uncongenial roommates were always fighting
the task was uncongenial to one sensitive to rebuffs

Synonym: uncongenial

5. not in keeping with what is correct or proper

e.g. completely inappropriate behavior

Synonym: inappropriateout or keeping(p)unfitting

6. not compatible with other facts

Synonym: discrepant

7. used especially of drugs or muscles that counteract or neutralize each other's effect

Synonym: antagonistic

8. not easy to combine harmoniously

Synonym: ill-sortedmismatedunsuited

9. of words so related that one contrasts with the other

e.g. `rich' and `hard-up' are contrastive terms

Synonym: contrastive

1. 不能和谐相处的;不协调的;不一致的
If one thing or person is incompatible with another, they are very different in important ways, and do not suit each other or agree with each other.

e.g. They feel strongly that their religion is incompatible with the political system...
e.g. His behavior has been incompatible with his role as head of state...

Incompatibility between the mother's and the baby's blood groups may cause jaundice.

2. 不兼容的;不相容的;互斥的
If one type of computer or computer system is incompatible with another, they cannot use the same programs or be linked up together.


e.g. This made its mini-computers incompatible with its mainframes...
e.g. Many institutions exchange information by hand because of incompatible computer systems.

1. 不亲和的:6.质粒的不亲和性(incompatibility) 如果将一种类型的质粒通过接合或其他方式(如转化)导人某一合适的但已含另一种质粒的宿主细胞,只经少数几代后,大多数子细胞只含有其中一种质粒,那么这两种质粒便是不亲和的(incompatible),它们不能共存于同

2. 相容的:存款保险制度所提供的一些错误的或不相容的(Incompatible)激励导致的逆淘汰主要有:3. 存款保险制度救助危机银行所产生的示范效应会加剧银行间的恶性竞争和增加银行的风险偏好度,一方面高息吸储,另一方面盲目经营,挤占市场份额.

  • 经典引文

  • Taman's state of mind..became a dark battlefield of incompatible emotions.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • Complete recovery was not incompatible with a diagnosis of dementia praecox.

    出自:M. T. Tsuang
  • 近义词

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Very few theorists will be prepared to reject samaritanism as incompatible with liberalism.(很少有理论家会认为慈善主义与自由主义不相容。)
Democracy is incompatible with excessive, bureaucratic regimentation of social life.(民主与受到过度的、官僚化的管制的社会生活是不相容的。)
They were also incompatible with each other.(它们彼此之间也不兼容。)
Version indicators are a last resort, to denote incompatible changes.(版本标识器是表示不兼容变更的最后的一招。)
These two objectives are mutually incompatible.(这两个目标相互矛盾。)
National laws are often incompatible with each other.(同一国家的法律有时会互相矛盾。)
This is a result of using incompatible JVMs.(这是由于使用了不兼容的JVM造成的。)
The hours of the job are incompatible with family life.(这份工作的上班时间和家庭生活有冲突。)
New computer software is often incompatible with older computers.(新的计算机软件往往和旧式计算机不兼容。)
This made its mini-computers incompatible with its mainframes.(这使得它的微型电脑与其主机不兼容。)
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