英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:42:42



英 [ˈɪndɪgəʊ]

美 [ˈɪndɪgoʊ]


名词复数: indigos

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  • 【化】靛青
  • 靛蓝色
  • 【化】靛蓝
  • 靛蓝染料
  • 槐蓝属植物
  • 靛色
  • 靛蓝类染料
  • 一种深蓝色
  • 【植】能产生靛蓝的植物
  • 槐蓝
  • 紫蓝色
  • 【化】溶靛素
  • 木蓝属(Indigofera)植物(能提取靛)
  • 靛青色
  • “靛青”(意大利制造的地空导弹)
  • 靛蓝色的
  • 靛蓝的
  • 靛青的
  • 紫蓝色的
  • 靛青色的


1. a blue-violet color

2. deciduous subshrub of southeastern Asia having pinnate leaves and clusters of red or purple flowers
a source of indigo dye

Synonym: indigo plantIndigofera tinctoria

3. a blue dye obtained from plants or made synthetically

Synonym: anilindigotin


1. having a color between blue and violet

e.g. indigo flowers

1. 靛青色;靛蓝色
Something that is indigo is dark purplish blue in colour.

e.g. ...the stars in the indigo sky...
e.g. Indigo tattoos adorn her forehead.

1. 靛青:(3)色氨酸吸收不良症(tryptophan malabsorption)是由于消化道吸收色氨酸不良,结肠杆菌将色氨酸转变为尿蓝母(indican),再被氧化为靛青(indigo)而呈蓝色.

2. 靛青色:文静内向的渺渺在一次机缘下喜欢上二手唱片店老板陈飞(范植伟饰),希望了解陈飞在靛青色(indigo)乐团当主音时的悲伤秘密,当渺渺与陈飞愈走愈近,小瑷此时才发现自己对渺渺的友情比她想像的更深.

3. 靛蓝色:你知道那些被称为'靛蓝色'(indigo)的小孩们吗?"我知道他们的诞生. 然而,在我居住的城镇我还没遇到任何一个. 也许只有一个叫优莉亚.佩特萝法(YuliaPetrova)的小女孩. 她是唯一相信我的人. 其他人只是嘲笑我的故事.

Table 1 Relationship of SO Entities to OO Entities in Indigo.(表1Indigo中的SO实体和OO实体的关系。)
Wild Yellow Indigo Baptisia tinctoria 3x.(野生黄色木蓝属植物Baptisiatinctoria3x。)
The synthesis of aniline was used to make mauveine (aniline purple) dye and the synthesis of quinine was used to make indigo dye.(苯胺的合成法被用于制造苯胺紫染料,而奎宁(或金鸡纳碱)的合成法则被用于制造靛蓝染料。)
His dream was to naturalize indigo in France.(他的梦想是把靛青移植到法国来。)
Indigo supports two major approaches to the service invocation.(Indigo支持2种主要的服务调用方式。)
He had obtained a corner in the Jardin des Plantes, with a good exposure, to make his trials with indigo "at his own expense."(他在植物园里获得一角光照通风都好的地,用来“自费”试种靛青。)
The indigo plant was highly valued until the discovery of chemical dyes in the 19th century.(在19世纪发现化学染料之前,靛蓝一直被高度重视。)
IndiGo will need those planes if it continues to grow the way it has.(只要增长方式仍然继续,IndiGo将会需要这些飞机。)
This is the Indigo-Crystal Soul Family.(这就是靛蓝/水晶灵魂家庭。)
Please note that the AUT Agent is currently not part of the Eclipse Indigo package and requires a separate download.(请注意,AUTAgent目前并不是EclipseIndigo包的一部分,需要单独下载。)
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