英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:43:09



英 [ˈɪndələnt]

美 [ˈɪndələnt]


副词: indolently

  • 英英释义

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1. (of tumors, e.g.) slow to heal or develop and usually painless

e.g. an indolent ulcer
leprosy is an indolent infectious disease

2. disinclined to work or exertion

e.g. faineant kings under whose rule the country languished
an indolent hanger-on
too lazy to wash the dishes
shiftless idle youth
slothful employees
the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy

Synonym: faineantlazyotioseslothfulwork-shy

1. 懒惰的;怠惰的;好逸恶劳的
Someone who is indolent is lazy.

e.g. ...indolent teenagers who won't lift a finger to help.


1. 懒惰的:86. studious 勤奋刻苦的 | 87. indolent 懒惰的 | 88. cosmopolitan 国际化的(多用于形容大都市)

2. 无痛的:indole 吲哚 | indolent 无痛的 | indolent bubo 无痛性腹股沟淋巴结炎

3. 懒散的:16. partial 偏袒的 | 17. indolent 懒散的 | 18. indifferent 冷淡的

4. 懒洋洋的:shamed:被批评 | indolent:懒洋洋的 | pose ... challenges:对...提出挑战

  • 经典引文

  • I am naturally indolent and without application to any kind of business.

    出自:Horace Walpole
  • An appearance of swiftness and great competence despite the indolent posture.

    出自:R. P. Warren
  • She wandered from one dusky room into the other, too indolent to put the light on.

    出自:E. Templeton
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Objective: to explore the indolent treatment of acupotomy.(目的:探讨针刀闭合性手术的无痛治疗方法。)
The gentleman he addressed got up, saying in an indolent way, "Oh really?" and dawdled to the hearthrug where Mr. Bounderby stood.(他所叫的这位绅士站了起来,懒洋洋地说道:“呵,真的吗?”然后又慢拖拖地走到壁炉前,庞得贝正站在那儿的地毯上。)
He quickens the indolent, encourages the eager, and steadies the unstable.(他使懒惰的活跃,使热心的获鼓励,使摇摆者稳定。)
In fact, they were energetic; an energetic man will succeed where an indolent one would vegetate and inevitably perish.(事实上,他们的精力非常旺盛,在一个懒汉必然死亡的地方,他们是可以成功的。)
Leprosy is an indolent infectious disease.(麻风病是一种顽固的传染性疾病。)
If the buyer is indolent to notify the seller thereof, the targeted matter shall be deemed in conformity with the agreed quantity or quality.(买受人怠于通知的,视为标的物的数量或者质量符合约定。)
Mice in the test group showed approximately 10 times the tumor growth in the indolent cells as control mice that received the placebo.(结果发现注射惰性肿瘤细胞的实验组鼠肿瘤生长速度是应用安慰剂组对照鼠的近10倍。)
Papillary carcinomas are indolent tumors that have a long survival, even with metastases.(癌表现为无痛性肿块,存活时间长,甚至在转移的情况下也是如此。)
To move, stand, or recline in an indolent or relaxed manner.(懒洋洋地闲荡懒洋洋地或放松地移动、站立或斜倚。)
You're too fastidious, and too indolent, and too rich.(你们从不知足,而且游手好闲,钱又太多。)
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