英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 16:08:55



英 [ɪnˈefəbl]

美 [ɪnˈɛfəbəl]


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副词: ineffably 名词: ineffability

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  • 说不出的,不可言喻的,言语无法表达的,难以形容的
  • 因神圣而不容称呼的,须避讳的
  • 不应说出的
  • 须避讳的人或事物


1. defying expression or description

e.g. indefinable yearnings
indescribable beauty
ineffable ecstasy
inexpressible anguish
unspeakable happiness
unutterable contempt
a thing of untellable splendor

Synonym: indefinableindescribableunspeakableuntellableunutterable

2. too sacred to be uttered

e.g. the ineffable name of the Deity

Synonym: unnameableunspeakableunutterable

1. 言语难以表达的;不可言喻的
You use ineffable to say that something is so great or extreme that it cannot be described in words.

e.g. ...the ineffable sadness of many of the portraits.

Walters is ineffably entertaining.
...his ineffably powerful brain.

1. 不能说的:duration 持续时间 | ineffable不能说的 | fable寓言

2. ineffable

2. 不可言喻的;应该避讳的:Prolific 多育的,多产的 | Ineffable 不可言喻的;应该避讳的 | Mundane 世俗的,庸俗的

3. ineffable的意思

3. 无法表达的:affable 易于交谈的;和蔼的 | ineffable 无法表达的 | affection 感情

4. 妙不可言的,说不出的:inebriate 使醉,n. 酒鬼,酒徒 | ineffable 妙不可言的,说不出的 | ineffaceable 抹不掉的,不能消除的

  • 经典引文

  • The three coffins were borne up the aisle with ineffable slowness.

    出自:R. Rendell
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Nearly all, too, say the chief delight of writing is the ineffable process of discovery.(几乎所有作家都谈到,写作的最大愉悦感在于写作中不可言喻的发现之旅。)
Ikeda wanted to pin down an ineffable taste he identified in dashi, a soup stock made from tuna and seaweed.(池田想要确认他在喝鱼汤时体会到的一种无法形容的味道,这个鱼汤是用吞拿鱼和海藻熬成的高汤。)
He has the same sweetness of look, as though upon each countenance an ineffable smile were just dawning.(他的脸上泛着同样亲切的表情,他们的表情中仿佛都呈现出一种不可言喻的微笑。)
In that mystery lurks the world's ineffable potential for good.(在这种神秘当中,隐藏着世界不可磨灭的向善力量。)
He put on a look of ineffable distress and said that he was aware how god had afflicted her.(他摆出一副说不出多么伤感的神色说,他知道上帝怎样折磨了她。)
the chief delight of writing is the ineffable process of discovery(写作的最大乐趣是那难以言喻的探索之旅)
At the immortal touch of thy hands my little heart loses its limits in you and gives birth to utterance ineffable.(在你双手不休的触抚中,我卑微的心儿在欢乐里融化,勃发出神圣的乐声。)
Caitlin gives an ineffable shrug of her shoulder and shakes her head with her eyes almost closed.(凯特琳不可理喻地耸耸了肩,眼睛几乎闭上地摇着头。)
We also have an ineffable something; a tragic ideal; we’re not simply pulling a plow.(我们也有些不可言说的什么;一个悲剧性的理想;我们笔耕的跟耕田的可不一样。)
She sighed a sigh of ineffable satisfaction, as if her cup of happiness were now full.(她发出了一声说不出多么满意的叹息,仿佛她的幸福之杯已经斟满了。)
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