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更新时间:2025-03-10 15:45:04



英 [ɪnˈfɜ:nl]

美 [ɪnˈfɜ:rnl]


副词: infernally

  • 详情解释

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  • 阴间的,地狱的
  • 地狱般的,恶魔般的,恶魔似的,穷凶极恶的,凶恶的,恐怖的,狠毒的
  • 可憎的,极讨厌的,可恶的,可恨的,坏透的,该死的
  • 无人性的,无法无天的
  • 令人作呕的
  • 恶魔般的人或事物



1. an inhabitant of Hell

e.g. his roar made the infernals quake



1. expletives used informally as intensifiers

e.g. he's a blasted idiot
it's a blamed shame
a blame cold winter
not a blessed dime
I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing
he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool
a deuced idiot
an infernal nuisance

Synonym: blastedblameblamedblesseddamndamneddarneddeucedgoddamgoddamngoddamned

2. extremely evil or cruel
expressive of cruelty or befitting hell

e.g. something demonic in him--something that could be cruel
fires lit up a diabolic scene
diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils
a fiendish despot
hellish torture
infernal instruments of war
satanic cruelty
unholy grimaces

Synonym: demonicdiabolicdiabolicalfiendishhellishsatanicunholy

3. being of the underworld

e.g. infernal regions

4. characteristic of or resembling Hell

e.g. infernal noise
infernal punishment

5. of or pertaining to or characteristic of a very uncontrolled and intense fire

e.g. infernal heat

1. 可恨的;坏透的;该死的
Infernal is used to emphasize that something is very annoying or unpleasant.

e.g. The post office is shut, which is an infernal bore...
e.g. They can't work in these infernal conditions.

2. 阴间的;地狱的
Infernal is used to describe things that relate to hell.

e.g. ...the goddess of the infernal regions.

1. infernal的翻译

1. 火魔:术士是魔兽世界中的恶魔大师. 恶魔自成一种生物种类. 对于术士来说幸运的是,在魔兽世界的异度空间里能找到多种恶魔. 其中术士能召唤的有魅魔(Succubi),地狱犬(Felhunter),小鬼(Imp),火魔(Infernal)和虚无行者(Void walker)--所有这些都是具有特殊力量的强大生物.

2. 地狱火:在测试版中这个恶魔将由毁灭守卫(Doom Guard)来扮演,不过在最终版本里它可能比地狱火(Infernal)还要更具威力. Pardo对加强混乱之痕的解释是这个魔法将会暂时牺牲一个现存单位作为种子来转化成恶魔,而且还没有类似地狱火的眩晕之类的附加效果,


3. 无间地狱:版>>动作射击|1.63G下载地址:<Infernal)完整硬盘版>>动作射击|1.63G详细信息:[无间地狱(Infernal)完整硬盘版][动作射击][1.63G]游戏介绍: 中文名称: 地狱/无间地狱故事的主人公雷恩(Ryan)是一名身手不凡的特工人员,

4. infernal的解释

4. 无-炼狱魔:Frost Wyrm-无-寒霜冰龙、冰霜飞龙、冰龙、霜龙 | Shade-无-影子、暗影、隐魔 | Infernal-无-炼狱魔

  • 经典引文

  • The flocking shadows pale Troop to the infernal jail.

  • The infernal hiss and crackle of the flame.

    出自:C. Kingsley
  • 近义词

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  • 临近词

From Bullet in the Head to the Infernal Affairs, the guy can really nail any role that's handed to him.(从《喋血街头》到《无间道》,这个人真的能融入任何一个交到他手上的角色。)
Since then I've seen him in Gorgeous, Hero and Infernal Affairs, all which show different sides to his talent.(从那时起,我看了《玻璃樽》《英雄》和《无间道》,这些都从不同侧面展示了他的才华。)
When I saw Infernal Affairs is when he caught my eye.(当我看《无间道》的时候,他一下子吸引住了我。)
Don 't make that infernal noise!(不要发出那种讨厌的闹声!)
Put in something about the supernal oneness. don't say a syllable about the infernal twoness.(说一点天上的一元论,千万别谈地狱的二元论。)
Others idled under the tent, reluctant to head back outside into the infernal heat.(而其他人却在帐篷下懒洋洋地走动,不愿意回到外面炼狱般火热的地方。)
The frame structure in "the zoo Story" reveals the infernal existence of modern man: man is an animal and society is a zoo.(《动物园的故事》的套盒结构揭示了现代人地狱般的生存状态:人即是动物,社会即是动物园。)
Infernal on the battlefield, the army of the Burning Legion advancing from all directions.(我曾经在战场上面对过巨大的地狱火,还有从四面八方冲过来的燃烧军团。)
First film I saw him in was Infernal Affairs, and that was just the tip of the iceberg, and I am so happy.(我看的第一部电影是《无间道》,而那只是冰山一角而已,我真是太高兴了。)
There is no doubt, of course, "Infernal Affairs" and "disciples.(毫无疑问,当然是《无间道》和《门徒》。)
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