英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:45:10



英 [ɪnˈfest]

美 [ɪnˈfɛst]


名词: infestation 过去式: infested 过去分词: infested 现在分词: infesting 第三人称单数: infests

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  • 大批出没于,成群出现,遍布于,蔓延,猖獗
  • 寄生于,在...上寄生
  • 侵害,扰害,骚扰,侵扰
  • (尤指昆虫或老鼠之类的动物)大批栖居于,大批出没于,成群活动于


1. invade in great numbers

e.g. the roaches infested our kitchen

Synonym: overrun

2. live on or in a host, as of parasites

3. occupy in large numbers or live on a host

e.g. the Kudzu plant infests much of the South and is spreading to the North

Synonym: invadeoverrun

1. (昆虫、老鼠等)大批出没于,侵扰
When creatures such as insects or rats infest plants or a place, they are present in large numbers and cause damage.

e.g. ...pests like aphids which infest cereal crops.

The prison is infested with rats...
In less than seven days the infested plants had recovered.
...the rat-infested slums where the plague flourished.
The premises were treated for cockroach infestation...
Parts of California are suffering from an infestation of oriental fruit flies.

2. 遍布于;充斥
If you say that people or things you disapprove of or regard as dangerous are infesting a place, you mean that there are large numbers of them in that place.

e.g. Crime and drugs are infesting the inner cities.

The road further south was infested with bandits.
...the shark-infested waters of the Great Barrier Reef.

1. 感染:尽快升级孵化巢(Hatchary),升级出领主(Overlord)的运输功能,占领地图中部的资源,加快开采速度,以的指挥中心还剩四五百点生命时,可让女王将之感染(Infest)过来,这里生产的士兵如炸弹人,很适合对付敌人的炮塔.

2. 扰乱;骚扰;成群滋扰:infect 传染, 感染 | infest 扰乱;骚扰;成群滋扰 | abut 邻接, 毗邻

3. 骚扰:infertility 不肥沃 | infest 骚扰 | infestation 群袭

  • 经典引文

  • His mattress was filthy and infested with bedbugs.

    出自:J. C. Oates
  • She wished that Finn's caique might sink in waters infested with small sharks.

    出自:A. T. Ellis
  • Her essay..was infested with 'mere, irresponsible silliness.'

His accomplishment could produce synthetic biology's first big commercial success by attacking the biofilms that infest industrial equipment.(他的成果可能是人工合成生物技术第一次成功的大规模应用,用来破坏遍布于工业设备上的生物膜。)
This species will infest cereals, fruit, shelled nuts, cocoa beans, fish, spices and tobacco.(该害虫可在谷物、水果、坚果、可可豆、鱼类、香料和烟草中大量繁衍。)
The logic is that the refugees, by the millions, would infest Russia, and eventually drown.(他们的逻辑是,数百万的难民,将会寄生于俄国,最终被淹没。)
That is new ability of the infestor, which is currently replacing the infest building ability.(这是寄生者的新技能,目前代替了寄生建筑能力。)
Your Vikings are masterful against the Virophage teams trying to infest villages, but Vikings alone will have a tough time taking out the three Zerg Hive complexes.(你是对的Virophage北欧球队娴熟的村庄,而是试图再加上北欧海盗会有一个强硬的时间中三个虫族的蜂房。)
The Zerg will start trying to infest the five other civilian settlements.(虫族将开始试图再加上另外五个平民的定居点。)
No one wanted to accidentally infest the world with a deadly virus!(没有人希望出现意外,用一种致命的病毒侵扰全世界!)
"Easyjetsetters" infest clubs and bars at weekends.(周末很多的悠闲雅皮们留连无数的俱乐部和酒吧。)
Im wondering if the infestor can still infest building because in battle report 2 it show infestor spawn terran from eggs.(寄生者还能寄生建筑吗?因为在战报2里它显示寄生者从蛋里生出被寄生机枪兵。)
There's a fitting analogy between the digital world of data and the physical environment we live in. Bad data is like trash: pollutants that infest the environment.(数据的数字世界和我们所处的自然环境之间有一个相似之处,劣质的数据就像是一堆垃圾:遍布于环境中的污染物。)
infest是什么意思 infest在线翻译 infest什么意思 infest的意思 infest的翻译 infest的解释 infest的发音 infest的同义词