英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:46:01


英 [ɪn'flɪkʃn]

美 [ɪnˈflɪkʃən]


  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释



1. an act causing pain or damage

2. the act of imposing something (as a tax or an embargo)

Synonym: imposition

3. something or someone that causes trouble
a source of unhappiness

e.g. washing dishes was a nuisance before we got a dish washer
a bit of a bother
he's not a friend, he's an infliction

Synonym: annoyancebotherbotherationpainpain in the neckpain in the ass

1. 施加:inflicter 加害者 | infliction 施加 | inflictive 加以打击的

2. infliction是什么意思

2. 处罚:inference 推理;推论 | infliction 处罚 | informal adjudication 非正式裁决

3. (强加于人身的)痛苦,刑罚:inflict 使遭受(损伤,苦痛等),使承受(on,upo | infliction (强加于人身的)痛苦,刑罚 | inflictive 予以打击的; 痛苦的; 科以刑罚的


4. 施加; 施加的事物 (名):inflicter 课加者 (名) | infliction 施加; 施加的事物 (名) | inflictive 加以打击的; 使人难过的 (形)

  • 经典引文

  • The infliction of such exemplary punishment.

    出自:R. J. Sullivan
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Love is dense but miserable. We are not the sage and cannot escape the infliction of love.(我们不是圣人,摆脱不了感情的折磨。)
Don't immerse ourself in this infliction too long.(太长期不要浸没ourself在这处罚。)
Is the unending infliction of pain also required?(非得施以永无休止的痛苦才行吗?)
"And of your infliction, " cried Elizabeth with energy.(“这都是你一手造成的,”伊丽莎白使劲叫道。)
The infliction occasion of the sustain is influenced by the soil character on ground.(单支撑施加时机的选择受到现场土性参数的影响较大。)
The ethical issue is about the unnecessary pain/suffering infliction and the intention.(这里的道德问题是指造成不必要的痛苦或施加折磨以及施虐的意图。)
Don't immerse yourself in the infliction too long.(不要长时间沉浸在痛苦经历中。)
BB: Do you know what "Nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an honourable count... me.(大黄蜂:你知道什么是“克星”吗?由一个合适的特工来替天行道,而现在执行这光荣任务的人是…在下!)
It was the intentional and systematic infliction of great suffering masquerading as a legal process.(这是蓄意和有系统造成极大的痛苦伪装为一个法律过程。)
Retributivists, who seem to hold that there are circumstances in which the infliction of suffering is good thing in itself , are charged by their opponents with vindictive barbarousness .(报应论者认为,在特定情形下,施加令人痛苦的惩罚在本质上是善的,而功利论者则指责其为野蛮的报复;)
infliction是什么意思 infliction在线翻译 infliction什么意思 infliction的意思 infliction的翻译 infliction的解释 infliction的发音 infliction的同义词