英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:46:11



英 [ˈɪnflʌks]

美 [ˈɪnˌflʌks]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 流入,注入,涌入,倾入
  • 河口,河流汇合处
  • 汇集,涌进



1. the process of flowing in

Synonym: inflow

1. 流入;涌进
An influx of people or things into a place is their arrival there in large numbers.

e.g. ...problems caused by the influx of refugees.
e.g. ...the influx of American popcorn into the British market.

1. influx

1. 流入:请注意背景中,天界的[流入](influx)透过窗户仍然在持续中. 类心灵的力量透过国王吃进去的儿子一直进入国王体内,但是自性和盟友始终无法百分百结合,双方即使结合到最深的程度,仍然是互相分离、独立的. 因此,国王吞下儿子,

2. 涌到,流入:influence 影响(力),权势 | influx 涌到,流入 | infringe 侵犯,违背

3. influx在线翻译

3. 汇集,流入(人口或物):2. decreed 分布法令 | 3. influx 汇集,流入(人口或物) | 4. census taker 人口调查员

4. 流入,注入:influential 有势力的 | influx 流入,注入 | reflux 退潮

  • 经典引文

  • The influx of tourists and foreign residents has made my local villagers richer.

    出自:I. Colegate
  • This sudden influx of money might seem to promise them a different life.

    出自:A. Brookner
It faces an influx of refugees.(它将面临着大批难民的涌入。)
The influx of refugees has stretched the country's resources to the limit.(难民的大量涌入把这个国家的资源消耗殆尽。)
But the influx of foreign colleges might have more interesting consequences, too.(但是海外学校的涌入也可能会产生更有趣的结果。)
There is some cause for optimism, not least an influx of foreign technology and capital.(不过我们还是可以乐观一些的,而且这还不只是因为大量外国资金和技术涌入。)
Then, in 2008, reports began circulating of an influx of returned rocks in the mail.(然后在2008年,不断有报道有通过邮件的方式返还被盗走的岩石。)
Moreover, the petrodollar influx has yet to improve ordinary Angolan lives very much.(此外,石油美元尚未在很大程度上提高安哥拉普通百姓的生活水平。)
Also, get ready for a huge influx of HSR station designs in the coming years.(此外,需要为高铁站在未来几年大量涌出做好准备。)
Communities benefit from an influx of talented problem-solvers.(社区会由于能解决问题的人才的参与而受益。)
Other companies are seeing a more gradual influx of employee-owned gadgets.(在其他公司,将会逐渐出现更多属于员工自己的电子产品。)
Some hospitals are overwhelmed by the influx of injured.(一些医院已经难以应付伤员的大量涌入。)
influx是什么意思 influx在线翻译 influx什么意思 influx的意思 influx的翻译 influx的解释 influx的发音 influx的同义词