英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:48:11



英 [ˈɪndʒə(r)]

美 [ˈɪndʒɚ]


名词: injurer 过去式: injured 过去分词: injured 现在分词: injuring 第三人称单数: injures

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  • 伤害,危害,损害,毁坏
  • 使受伤,使负伤
  • 冤枉,委屈,使受屈
  • 伤某人的感情,使痛心,使(感情)受到创伤
  • 损害(名誉)
  • vt. 伤害; 损害 cause physical harm to (a person or animal), especially in an accident; hurt seriously


1. cause injuries or bodily harm to

Synonym: wound

2. cause damage or affect negatively

e.g. Our business was hurt by the new competition

Synonym: hurt

3. hurt the feelings of

e.g. She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests
This remark really bruised my ego

Synonym: hurtwoundbruiseoffendspite

1. 伤害;使受伤
If you injure a person or animal, you damage some part of their body.

e.g. A number of bombs have exploded, seriously injuring at least five people...
e.g. Several policemen were injured in the clashes.

1. 损害, 伤害:initial 开始的,最初的 | injure 损害,伤害 | injury 受伤处

2. 损害:injurant 有害物 | injure 损害 | injured 受伤的

3. 伤害:inject 注射 | injure 伤害 | innocent 无辜的

4. 伤害,损害:sue 诉,起诉,控告 | injure 伤害,损害 | administrative 行政管理的

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • He injured his left arm in a car accident.
  • He injured his left hand in a fire.
  • That letter injured her pride.
  • It is a shame that he should attempt to injure the reputation of an honest man.
  • 1
  • In the railway accident 300 people were injured.
  • His internal organs were injured.
  • His reputation will be badly injured by these vicious rumors.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Peel fell from his horse..and was fatally injured.

    出自:W. S. Churchill
  • Anything was right that might injure the authorities.

    出自:R. Macaulay
  • Kopelev...was aware of the colonel's ire when his pride was injured.

    出自:M. Scammell
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • injure可指身体上的伤害(如意外受伤等),也可指精神上的伤害(如伤害他人的名誉、成就等),用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。
injure, damage, harm, hurt, impair, wound
  • 这组词的共同意思是“损害,损伤”。impair表示损伤某人〔物〕而导致削弱、缩小或减少其使用价值,也可指情绪的损伤; damage表示损害了表面,损害了人或物的某个部分或使之完全失掉用途; harm表示人的心理、健康、权力或事业上的损害,程度较轻; hurt多用来表示伤害身体或某一部位,或表示剧烈的疼痛或精神上受到伤害; injure表示身体或精神上各种性质及任何程度的伤害,多表示意外受伤; wound主要指在战斗中武器或凶器等造成的外伤或剧烈的痛苦。
    • ☆ 直接源自中古英语的iniurie,意为损害,损伤。
    • 高考真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.injure

    Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move in case she injured her neck.

    拉里告诉她, 他已经把火扑灭了, 她不要动, 以免伤到脖子。


    Parents should avoid criticizing children in public places for it might injure their pride.(父母应该避免在公众场合批评孩子,因为这可能会伤害他们的自尊。)
    A head blow can injure or tear olfactory nerves.(头部撞击能够损伤或撕裂嗅神经。)
    Don't let a little dispute injure a great relationship.(别让小小的争执伤害到深厚的关系。)
    At the same time you would be able to injure others, if I gave you the means of defending yourself.(一旦我给了你自卫的武器,你就具有了伤害别人的能力。)
    Manipulation and retraction of the nerve roots which can injure or damage the nerves.(操控神经根时,以及神经根的回缩可以损害神经。)
    You do not go out to injure opponents.(你不会刻意去伤害对手。)
    People might also self-injure as a form of punishment.(人们也可能自虐作为一种惩罚。)
    Usury laws only make things worse, and injure free and productive credit.(反高利贷法只会让事情更为恶化,还损害了自由和有益的贷款。)
    Gordon: I am strong enough to seriously injure him, but that wouldn't solve anything.(戈登:我是够强壮把他弄得个重伤,但是这不解决什么问题。)
    Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.(不要让小小的争执损伤一份伟大的友情。)
    injure是什么意思 injure在线翻译 injure什么意思 injure的意思 injure的翻译 injure的解释 injure的发音 injure的同义词