The next day in the yard, an inmate huddles close to the phone.(第二天,在院子里,一个囚犯低着头在电话机旁边。)
But the inmate population is rising as well.(但犯人的数量也在不断增加。)
Full capacity is defined as one inmate per cell, which in California currently means 80,000 prisoners.(最高容量是指每间牢房住一个囚犯,而这个概念在如今的加州意味着一个牢房住8万名囚犯。)
She tells him that she’s responding to a report that an inmate has heat exhaustion.(她告诉他,她接到报告称有一个犯人中暑衰竭,她来检查一下。)
Sucre checks his watch, the doors slide open for the inmate count.(Sucre看了看表,牢门徐徐打开,是囚犯点名的时间了。)
He said police have captured 90 escaped convicts and that one inmate died.(他说,警方已抓获90名逃犯,一个囚犯死亡。)
Pope rushes back into his office, demanding to know how an inmate vanished with a guard right outside.(Pope快步冲进他的办公室,质问下属们,既然警卫就在外面,Michael怎么会凭空消失了。)
Inside "Cellblock h" where an inmate lives with her 18-month-old child and cellmate.(在“H号”牢房内一名囚犯和她出生18个月的孩子以及她的狱友住在这里。)
The letter said an inmate named Hatch, a petty thief, claimed he had crucial information.(他在信中说,狱中一位名叫希奇的惯偷宣称自己掌握了一些关于谋杀案的关键信息。)
Michigan spends an average of $32,491 per year to house, feed and otherwise take care of a single inmate.(密歇根每年平均要花32491美元在每个罪犯的住房,食物和医疗上。)
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