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更新时间:2025-03-10 15:48:54



英 [ɪˈnɒkjuəs]

美 [ɪˈnɑ:kjuəs]


副词: innocuously 名词: innocuousness

  • 详情解释

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  • 无害的
  • 无毒的
  • 无意冒犯的
  • 无恶意的


1. lacking intent or capacity to injure

e.g. an innocent prank

Synonym: innocent

2. not injurious to physical or mental health

3. not causing disapproval

e.g. it was an innocuous remark
confined himself to innocuous generalities
unobjectionable behavior

Synonym: unobjectionable

1. 无害的;无冒犯之意的
Something that is innocuous is not at all harmful or offensive.

e.g. Both mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact deadly...
e.g. Even seemingly innocuous words are offensive in certain contexts.

1. 无害的:innocence 无罪;天真;无知 | innocuous 无害的 | innovation function 革新职能

2. 无害的,良性的:inner 内部的 | innocuous 无害的,良性的 | innovation 革新,改革

3. 无害的, 无毒的, 无伤大雅的, 不得罪人的:gravity crusher 重力破碎机 | innocuous 无害的, 无毒的, 无伤大雅的, 不得罪人的 | graceful degradation 功能退化, 功能衰减

4. (行为,言论等)无害的:innate 天生的,固有的 | innocuous (行为,言论等)无害的 | innuendo 含沙射影,暗讽

  • 经典引文

  • A tumblerful of the playful, innocuous American cocktail.

    出自:R. L. Stevenson
  • These 'relationships' which Millie cultivated remained at a level of innocuous flirtation.

    出自:I. Murdoch
Occasionally, however, unexpected culprits arise—for instance, otherwise innocuous forests.(但是,偶尔也会是些意想不到的原因,比如,并无害处的森林。)
In many cases, the search is innocuous, done to find someone's contact information.(在很多情况下,在网上搜索别人纯粹是为了找到此人的联系方式。)
So, why is this innocuous plant illegal?(那么,为什么这一无毒植物不合法呢?)
This sounds innocuous.(这听起来无关痛痒。)
He said they had posted several innocuous fake messages before sending the Obama tweets, then deleted them.(他说,他们在张贴奥巴马的信息之前,张贴了一些无关痛痒的假消息,之后就删除了。)
Think about how topics that seem innocuous to you might upset someone else.(想想有没有你觉得无伤大雅可是却会让别人难堪的话题。)
Modern readers can, with some effort, discover that sixteenth-century teachers selected some seemingly dangerous classical texts while excluding other seemingly innocuous texts.(现代读者通过一些努力可以发现,十六世纪的教师选择了一些看似危险的经典文本,而排除了其他看似无害的文本。)
Many journalists here choose to pigeon all but the most innocuous of stories.(除了平淡乏味的报道,这儿的新闻记者将一切通过鸽子传递出去。)
Evidence of this shift in values is all around. Some of the signs are seemingly innocuous.(这种观念的变化反映在各个方面,有些甚至是无害可言,也是微不足道的。)
In sum, the Court in Sony thought it was dealing with a mostly innocuous technology.(总之,在索尼案中法庭认为它处理的是一个通常无伤大雅的技术。)
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