英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:49:38
  • 英英释义

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1. a patient who is residing in the hospital where he is being treated

Synonym: inmate


1. 住院病人:例如,在医疗服务中,单纯的门诊病人(Outpatient)、住院病人(Inpatient)以及急症病人(Emergency)的服务内容不同,因此,具体的调查内容也有所不同. 这些内容,在具体的问卷中,表现为相应的不同问题或题目. 这些题目,一方面直接反映出服务的理念,

2. 住院护理:In-Network 网络内 | Inpatient 住院护理 | insurability 可保性

  • 近义词

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Methods: the data for the present study came from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Nationwide Inpatient Sample from 1998 to 2002.(方法:这一研究的资料来源于保健成本和应用计划中自1998年至2002年间全国性的患者。)
It is the rare program that offers comprehensive, integrated treatment along the continuum from inpatient to outpatient care.(罕有治疗方案提供全面完整的从住院病人到门诊患者的连续性的治疗方案。)
Guided by the standard of National Health Price, measures of rational charging inpatient expense were practiced.(以国家卫生物价标准为依据,采取多种措施,合理收取住院病人费用。)
Generally outpatient costs are not covered and only 60% of inpatient hospital bills are compensated.(一般来说,保险公司不支付不住院的病人花费,而且住院费用中只有60%能报销。)
Conclusion: males are twice as likely to require inpatient management for fractures as females.(结论:男性骨折需要住院治疗的是女性的两倍。)
What is the goal for my time in inpatient therapy?(我在住院治疗这段时间里的目标是什么?)
Patients were recruited from inpatient, outpatient, and emergency department settings.(患者是从住院部、门诊部和急诊部招募的。)
From the aailable literature, it is unclear whether admitting asymptomatic syncope patients for obseration and inpatient ealuation affects patient outcome.(从已有文献资料看,仍不清楚对无症状晕厥病人留观、收住入院是否影响到病人的结局”。)
Objective to study networks connection of affected factor on the number of inpatient.(目的研究影响住院人次各因素间的网络关系。)
Treatment of children with leukemia or lymphoma usually takes place in medical centers' inpatient units and outpatient clinics.(对患白血病和淋巴瘤的孩子的治疗通常在医疗中心的住院部和门诊部进行。)
inpatient是什么意思 inpatient在线翻译 inpatient什么意思 inpatient的意思 inpatient的翻译 inpatient的解释 inpatient的发音 inpatient的同义词