英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-24 18:23:43



  • 英英释义

名词 insert:
  • a folded section placed between the leaves of another publication

  • an artifact that is inserted or is to be inserted

  • (broadcasting) a local announcement inserted into a network program

  • (film) a still picture that is introduced and that interrupts the action of a film

动词 insert:
  • put or introduce into something

  • introduce

  • fit snugly into

  • insert casually

  • 临近词

  • insert note
  • insert
  • insert tank
  • insert hole
  • insert icon
  • Insert key
  • insert loss
  • insert stud
  • insert into
  • insert axes
  • insert page
inserts是什么意思 inserts在线翻译 inserts什么意思 inserts的意思 inserts的翻译 inserts的解释 inserts的发音 inserts的同义词