英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:50:36



英 [ɪnˈsaɪdə(r)]

美 [ɪnˈsaɪdɚ]



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  • (组织或社团等)内部的人,会员
  • 知内情者,消息灵通人士
  • (上装的)里袋,皮夹,钱夹


1. an officer of a corporation or others who have access to private information about the corporation's operations

1. 知情人;了解内幕者;消息灵通人士
An insider is someone who is involved in a situation and who knows more about it than other people.

e.g. An insider said, 'Katharine has told friends it is time to end her career.'
e.g. German banks have more insider knowledge than most.

1. 内幕人士:现时预计中煤可能在 3 月 20 日公布业绩,假若此日期无误,则相信内幕人士( Insider )在短期内不会再度增持中煤. 现时预计中煤可能在 3 月 20 日公布业绩,假若此日期无误,则相信内幕人士( Insider )在短期内不会再度增持中煤.

  • 经典引文

  • Insiders cashed in on their knowledge.

  • Charles..brought back an insider's tales of drunkenness..in the House of Commons.

    出自:I. McEwan
Their source was a "Facebook insider."(这些人的消息来源是一位“Facebook内部人士”。)
"That would take longer and cost more," an insider said.(一位业内人士表示,在这些地区上市,花的时间更多,最终的费用也更高。)
People categorize other people: enemy or friend; family or stranger; insider or outsider.(人们很容易把其他人分类:敌人或是朋友、亲人或是陌生人、自己人或是外人。)
Who would really want to be an insider?(又有谁真的愿意声名远扬?)
But that's only partially right, according to the Gates insider.(但是按照熟悉盖茨的那位知情人的说话,这只是部分正确。)
The situation was described by one insider as 'absolute chaos'.(据一名内部人士说,实情是乱作一团。)
An insider said, "Katharine has told friends it is time to end her career."(一名知情者说,“凯瑟琳告诉朋友们她该结束自己的职业生涯了。”)
His behaviour could just as easily have been explained by problems in his personal life as being an insider on the kidnap plot.(他的行为很容易被解释为他个人生活中的问题,就像他是绑架阴谋的内部人士一样。)
One insider called it a “disaster”.(一位内部人员把这叫做一个“灾难”。)
But a realistic look at the crimes reveals that the offender is likely to be an employee of the firm against which the crime has been committed, i.e., an "insider".(但是,从现实的角度来看待本次罪行,犯罪分子很可能是反公司的公司雇员,即“内部人员”。)
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