英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:50:45



英 [ɪnˈsɪgniə]

美 [ɪnˈsɪɡniə]


异体字: insigne 名词复数: insignia

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  • 徽章
  • 表示阶级、团体成员身分等用的佩章、衣饰等
  • 勋章
  • 证章
  • 国徽
  • 识别符号
  • 标记
  • 象征
  • 标帜
  • 识别标志
  • 官职的标志
  • 袖章



1. a badge worn to show official position

1. (常指军队的)徽章,标志,识别符号
An insignia is a design or symbol which shows that a person or object belongs to a particular organization, often a military one.

e.g. The red star was the national insignia of the USSR.

1. 勋章:酒园旗舰产品--勋章(Insignia)是纳帕谷极具代表性地位的顶级赤霞珠之一,同时具备传统的波尔多风格,始终保持着其优雅而强劲的风范,且年年赢得酒评家的高分.

2. insignia的意思

2. 标誌:因为通过这一年多来的各种资料和观察已经可以对这些全新欧系通用新车有所客观真实的了解了,让想买车的朋友有一个参考:1、别克新君威2.4顶配来自欧宝EPSILON II平台,与欧宝标志(INSIGNIA)几乎一样,外观设计大气、科技、运动,

3. insignia什么意思

3. 汽车商标:Inside silencer 车内减声板 | Insignia 汽车商标 | Inspect 检查,检验

  • 经典引文

  • The squadron insignia were still legible.

    出自:J. G. Ballard
In other words, Mrs. S. Governance wields the insignia of power, at least concerning the corporations' SOA.(换句话说,治理女士至少在公司的SOA方面有着几乎至高无上的权利。)
There are five insignia on various parts of the plane.(在飞机的不同部分有五个徽记。)
At this time, the quality of the various insignia also began to degrade.(在这个时候,质量的各种徽章,也开始使用。)
Joseph Phelps Insignia is a delicious red blend.(约瑟夫·菲尔普斯徽章是一种美味和红色的融合。)
It also has chafing dishes for warming the duck punched with the five holes of the Olympic insignia.(店里还有一种给烤鸭保温的器皿,上面打了五个眼,形成奥运的五环标志。)
But peace of mind - that is His final guerdon of approval, the fondest insignia of His love, he bestows it charily.(但是安心-这是他的最后的批准,他的爱的徽章。)
Insignia, as of a state, an official, a family, or an organization.((如国家,官员,家庭或组织的)徽章。)
This classification is used by many skills and armor insignia to determine when their effects come into play.(这些分类决定了很多技能和护甲徽记当伤害发生时所产生的效果。)
All officers wear grade insignia on the left side of garrison caps.(所有的军官都在军便帽的左边戴上阶级徽章。)
The red star was the national insignia of the USSR.(红星是前苏联的国徽。)
insignia是什么意思 insignia在线翻译 insignia什么意思 insignia的意思 insignia的翻译 insignia的解释 insignia的发音 insignia的同义词