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更新时间:2025-03-10 15:51:05



英 [ɪn'sɒlvənsɪ]

美 [ɪnˈsɑlvənsi]


名词复数: insolvencies

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  • 破产
  • 无力偿还
  • 无偿债能力无力偿付
  • 不足抵偿债务


1. the lack of financial resources

1. 无力偿清债务;不足抵偿债务;破产
Insolvency is the state of not having enough money to pay your debts.

e.g. ...companies on the brink of insolvency...
e.g. The economy has entered a sharp downturn, and unemployment and insolvencies can be expected to increase.

1. 破产:除此之外,为确保证券结算系统的安全运作,CPSS/IOSCO也建议,在系统参加人破产(Insolvency)的情况下,不论该参加人是否位于对证券结算系统有管辖权国家的领域的内,有关该证券结算系统运作有关的规章与契约都应有其拘束力.

2. insolvency

2. 资不抵债:有的学者认为恶意抵押的行为是违反诚实信用原则的行为法律应否定其效力;(5)有的学者认为债务人在实际处于资不抵债(Insolvency)的状态时为众多债权人之一设定抵押的行为违背诚实信用对其他债权人形成不公;


3. 无力偿还:在文献中通常采用的四个术语分别是:失败(failure)、无力偿还(insolvency)、违约(default)和破产(bankruptcy). 尽管这些术语有时可以相互混用,但在正式应用中它们还是有明显区别的.

That was before Europe-wide insolvency arrangements for dealing with multinationals were introduced in 2005.(这在2005年欧洲引入跨国公司破产处理机制前司空见惯。)
Raising the retirement age by a year or two can make the difference between the solvency and insolvency of pensions.(退休年龄提高一到两岁能够区别养老金的可以支付以及无力偿还。)
Lehman's fear of insolvency was dangerously assuaged.(雷曼对于资不抵债的恐惧缓解了,而这是危险的。)
The UK's only helicopter manufacturer was on the brink of insolvency.(英国唯一的直升飞机制造商处于破产的边缘。)
Europe's flawed insolvency regimes will face a severe test in 2009.(2009年,欧洲有缺陷的破产制度将面临严峻挑战。)
Dealing decisively with the Greek mess means addressing both the lack of competitiveness and the insolvency.(果断地解决希腊的困境意味着要同时解决他乏竞争力和支付力的问题。)
For them, the risk of insolvency has been somewhat comprehensively socialised.(对它们来说,资不抵债的风险基本已由社会综揽。)
If markets push them into insolvency, the euro zone would melt down.(若市场变化令其无法偿债,欧元区将解体。)
The company is on the verge of insolvency.(该公司快要破产了。)
In truth an insolvency was never really on the CARDS.(事实上,破产还从未真正出现过。)
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