英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:59:42



英 [ɪnˈvetərət]

美 [ɪnˈvɛtərɪt]


副词: inveterately 名词: inveteracy

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  • 根深的,根深蒂固的
  • 积习的,长期形成的,积习很深的
  • 顽固的,慢性顽固性的
  • 积重难返的
  • 绵延难治的
  • 成瘾的,成癖的
  • 有恶习的
  • 习惯(性)的
  • 冷酷无情的罪犯
  • 使…变坚固,使巩固


1. habitual

e.g. a chronic smoker

Synonym: chronic


1. in a habitual and longstanding manner

e.g. smoking chronically

Synonym: chronically

1. 积习不改的;上瘾的;根深蒂固的
If you describe someone as, for example, an inveterate liar or smoker, you mean that they have lied or smoked for a long time and are not likely to stop doing it.

e.g. ...an inveterate gambler.
e.g. ...the inveterate laziness of these boys.

1. 根深蒂固的:veteran老兵 | inveterate根深蒂固的a | tadpole蝌蚪,frog青蛙

2. 根深的:inveteracy 根深蒂固 | inveterate 根深的 | inveterately 根深蒂固地

3. inveterate的反义词

3. 积习难改的:investiture 任职仪式,授权仪式 | inveterate 积习难改的 | invidious 惹人反感的,招人嫉妒的

4. 绵延难治的 慢性顽固性的:investshellcastingmethod 熔模壳型铸造法 | inveterate 绵延难治的 慢性顽固性的 | inveteratehabit 痼习

  • 经典引文

  • Medicines against an old inueterate cough.

    出自:H. Lyte
Announced of at the end last year the monitors benQ FP241VW, oriented to the inveterate lovers of computer games, any minute now will appear on the regiments of magazines.(宣布,在比去年末监察明基fp241vw,面向向习爱好者的电脑游戏,任何分钟,现在将出现在团的杂志。)
See, the soon-to-be ex is an inveterate clutterer, and I am emphatically not.(看见了吧,即将成为我前夫的这个人是个地道的混乱无章的人,而我明显不是。)
It will be our festival of enough therefore inveterate fans oh!(它将是我们所以铁杆足球迷们的节日哦!)
The worst of children in the country is their inveterate impulse to use death as their toy.(最糟糕的在该国的儿童是他们根深蒂固的冲动,使用死刑,他们的玩具。)
JOHN McCAIN, an enthusiastic gambler and inveterate collector of lucky charms, has the luck of the devil.(麦凯恩,一个豪情赌客,他似有幸运之符附身,总是好运齐天。)
Iron fetters are fastened on the legs of murderers and inveterate burglars.(对杀人犯和惯偷惯盗,则使用铁质脚镣。)
I happen to be an admirer of the archiving impulse and an inveterate archivist at the household level.(我是一个崇拜者存档冲动和一个积习已档案保管员在家庭一级。)
It is hard for an inveterate smoker to give up tobacco.(要一位有多年烟瘾的烟民戒烟是困难的。)
What inveterate wearers sometimes gripe about is the niggling pain felt when forced to walk with their feet flat.(但常穿高跟鞋的人还是抱怨说,倘若不得不脚跟着地走路,还是会感觉到恼人的痛感。)
His system was widely taken up until Sir Francis Galton, a colleague, rival and inveterate classifier, realised the individualising potential of fingerprints.(这个系统曾被广泛使用。后来,阿方斯的同事兼对手弗朗西斯·高尔顿,一个分类成癖的家伙,意识到指纹在身份识别中有巨大的潜力。)
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