He also had an invincible faith in the medicinal virtues of garlic.(他对大蒜的药用功效深信不疑。)
Some invincible repugnance to speak of such things to the strange foreign woman had checked the words on his lips.(要向那位陌生的外籍女子讲这种事,有一种无法克服的反感使他没有说出到了嘴边的话。)
HMS Invincible is inthe scrapyard to be broken down by a Turkish ship recycling company.(一家土耳其船舶回收公司将对无敌号航空母舰进行拆卸和回收。)
The team seemed invincible.(这个队似乎战无不胜。)
To connect with your real nature that is unbounded and invincible, practice yoga and meditation.(为了连接你无限的不可战胜的真实本质,练习瑜伽和冥想。)
I used to be just carefree; I thought I was young, invincible.(我曾经无忧无虑,没有责任感,认为自己十分年轻,战无不胜。)
A just cause is invincible.(凡是正义的事业都是不可战胜的。)
You couldn't help feeling the military's fire power was invincible.(你不禁会感到这支军队的火力是无可匹敌的。)
This football team was once reputed to be invincible.(这支足球队曾被誉为是不可战胜的。)
They took an invincible lead in the chase for the championship.(他们在冠军角逐中遥遥领先。)
invincible是什么意思 invincible在线翻译 invincible什么意思 invincible的意思 invincible的翻译 invincible的解释 invincible的发音 invincible的同义词