英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:05:43



英 [ˈdʒɪgsɔ:]

美 [ˈdʒɪɡˌsɔ]




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  • 线锯
  • 镂花锯
  • 钢丝锯
  • 拼图玩具
  • 七巧板
  • 拼图
  • 拼板玩具
  • 神秘莫测的事物
  • 谜团
  • 竖锯
  • 锯曲线机
  • 曲线锯
  • 锯曲线竖锯机
  • 细锯
  • 线索
  • 拼图游戏
  • 纵横交错的
  • 用锯曲线机锯
  • 用竖锯锯
  • 用线锯切割
  • 竖锯
  • 锯曲线机
  • 使互相交错搭接



1. fine-toothed power saw with a narrow blade
used to cut curved outlines

Synonym: scroll sawfretsaw

2. a portable power saw with a reciprocating blade
can be used with a variety of blades depending on the application and kind of cut
generally have a plate that rides on the surface that is being cut

Synonym: saber sawreciprocating saw

1. 拼图;拼图玩具
A jigsaw or jigsaw puzzle is a picture on cardboard or wood that has been cut up into odd shapes. You have to make the picture again by putting the pieces together correctly.

2. 错综复杂的情况;谜团
You can describe a complicated situation as a jigsaw .

e.g. ...the jigsaw of high-level diplomacy.

  • 经典引文

  • As the excavation proceeds more..pieces of the archaeological jigsaw puzzle will be discovered.

    出自:Oxford Times
Earth's surface is not made up of a single sheet of rock that forms a crust but rather a number of "tectonic plates" that fit closely, like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.(地球表面并不是由构成地壳的单块岩石构成,而是许多紧密相连的“构造板块”,像一块巨大的拼图。)
Like a jigsaw puzzle, each medal is a piece of the master design.(就像七巧板一样,每一枚奖牌就是一项大师们的杰出设计。)
She approached the problem as a literal jigsaw puzzle, comparing pottery shards unearthed around the Pacific.(她处理问题就像是在玩儿拼图游戏,而那些太平洋沿岸出土的陶器碎片就是她的原材料。)
The teacher nods and puts Vishal back on the floor, where he sits listlessly before a jigsaw puzzle.(老师点了点头,把Vishal放回地上,他无精打采地坐在一副七巧板前。)
When it comes to climate, academic scientists are jigsaw types, dissenters from their view house-of-cards-ists.(如果将这个说法运用到气候上,那么学术领域中的科学家们就是拼图派,而持有不同观点的人则属于卡片屋派。)
These cool pillows were inspired by the jigsaw puzzle pieces.(这些很酷的枕头是受智力拼图玩具所启发制作的。)
OSGi is important. Integration with Jigsaw will happen; it looks like Qwylt is the interoperation layer.(OSGi很重要,将会与Jigsaw集成,Qwylt似乎将成为交互层。)
When the surgeons told us they had to cut her head apart like a jigsaw, I felt sick.(当外科医生告诉我们,他们不得不像个拼图一样将她的头部分开时,我感到恶心。)
"The results are just a piece of the jigsaw puzzle in terms of climate models. They are part of the ongoing process of climate model evaluation, " He said.(他说:“这些结果只是气候模型拼图的一部分而已。它们是正在不断进行中的气候模型评价的一部分。”)
Miss Middleton previously worked in the accessories department of Jigsaw but left the job to join her parents' firm.(米德尔顿以前还在一家电子拉锯配件部门工作,但是后来辞去工作加入了父母的公司。)
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