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更新时间:2025-03-10 16:09:25



英 [kəˈrɑ:ti]

美 [kəˈrɑti]


名词: karateist

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  • 空手道(日本的一种徒手自卫武术)



1. a traditional Japanese system of unarmed combat
sharp blows and kicks are given to pressure-sensitive points on the body of the opponent

1. 空手道
Karate is a Japanese sport or way of fighting in which people fight using their hands, elbows, feet, and legs.

1. [日语]空手道:judo[日语]柔道 | karate[日语]空手道 | laissez-faire[法语]自由主义

2. 空手道服式睡衣:Chinese 中式睡衣 | Karate 空手道服式睡衣 | Pyjamas 睡衣套装

Being a combat sport, karate carries with it the risk of injury.(作为一项格斗运动,空手道有受伤的风险。)
A black belt in karate saved her life several times when being attacked by robbers and jealous girlfriends.(当在受到强盗或是女友们因嫉妒而袭击她时,空手道黑带的身手曾多次救了她的命。)
Gold karate trophies obscured the half-dozen books on the lone shelf.(独自立在一角的书架上摆满了金色的空手道奖牌,几乎把寥寥几本书给遮住了。)
How we were going to get his homework done before his karate class.(我们如何让他在空手道课前做完家庭作业。)
Eduardo da Silva, an officer with the new peace units, teaches karate in City of God.(爱德华多·席尔瓦是新治安队伍中的一名警官,他在上帝之城教空手道。)
The initial element of karate also appears in the word karaoke.(空手道一词的开头的要素(kara)照样出现在“卡拉OK”一词中。)
He holds a black belt in karate.(他在空手道中得了黑带。)
When Phil Hilton was bullied at school, his father taught him karate for self-defence.(菲尔·希尔顿在学校受到欺负之后,为了能让他在学校保护自己,他爸爸便教了他空手道。)
B:Yes, of course. And I'm amazed the those karate and judo boys were so heplless before the wrestlers.(当然,我真奇怪空手道和柔道队员在摔交手面前竟不堪一击)
Last weekend he came back in his karate trousers.(上周末他穿着空手道裤回来了。)
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