英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:13:12

kiwi fruit

英 [ˈki:wi: fru:t]

美 [ˈkiwi frut]

猕猴桃; 奇异果

第三人称复数:kiwi fruits; kiwi fruit

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh

Synonym: kiwiChinese gooseberry

1. 猕猴桃:最近很喜欢吃这种水果. avocado, 中文名是鳄梨,或是俗称的牛油果. 用小勺挖着吃,和吃猕猴桃(kiwi fruit)一样. 在嘴里融化的时候有淡淡的香味.

2. kiwi fruit在线翻译

2. 弥猴桃:我爱上了羊肉泡馍、自己剥核桃,还有同Newzealand盛产的秦岭弥猴桃(kiwi fruit)及日本也有的柿子堆满摊贩的货车,之前去了明信片上的乾陵还捡回了同爱丁堡也有的榛果果实而我在西安买的报刊南方周末及参考消息都报导了<>.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Why is there a new name? Why is it not called a "China fruit"? Why is it called a kiwi fruit? It is because.(为什么有有一个新名字?为什么她不被称为“中国水果”?为什么它被称为猕猴桃?那是因为新西兰是种植这种水果的第一个西方国家。)
Look, it's a round kiwi fruit.(看,这是一个圆猕猴桃。)
Many children like to eat kiwi fruit. It has a lot of vitamin C. VitaminC is important for us.(许多孩子喜欢吃猕猴桃水果。它含有很多维生素c。维生素c对我们很重要。)
Palate is crisp and well balanced with citrus and kiwi fruit flavours.(口感清爽,非常均衡,具有柑橘和猕猴桃味道。)
Compared with about 50 calories in Apple or Kiwi fruit.(与之相比,在约50卡路里苹果和猕猴桃。)
The drying curves of kiwi fruit piece under different microwave intensity was analyzed.(分析糖渍后的猕猴桃果片在不同微波强度下的干燥曲线。)
Many children like to eat kiwi fruit.(许多孩子喜欢吃猕猴桃。)
Objective To investigate the mechanism of deferring aging of kiwi fruit seed oil.(目的探讨猕猴桃籽油延缓衰老的作用机理。)
Kiwi fruit seed oil has higher content of unsaturated fatty acid, which, specially, contains more than 63.99% linolenic acid.(猕猴桃籽油中不饱和脂肪酸含量较高,特别是亚麻酸含量高达63.99%。)
Shake all ingredients in a mixer filled with ice. Strain into the glass. Garnish with a slice of kiwi fruit.(摇合所有原料入盛有冰块的摇壶,滤入玻璃杯,饰以一片奇异果切片。)
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