英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:14:21



英 [ˈnɒlɪdʒəbl]

美 [ˈnɑ:lɪdʒəbl]


副词: knowledgeably 名词: knowledgeability

  • 详情解释

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 博学的,有见识的,有知识的,知识渊博的
  • 精明的
  • 聪明的
  • 理解力强的

1. 博学的;有见识的;知识渊博的
Someone who is knowledgeable has or shows a clear understanding of many different facts about the world or about a particular subject.

e.g. We employ friendly and knowledgeable staff.
e.g. If you don't know much about cars, take a knowledgeable friend along.

Kaspar had spoken knowledgeably about the state of agriculture in Europe.

1. 知识渊博的:有的时候还要在办公室进行教学时间以外的单独会面(meeting),知识渊博的(knowledgeable)教师常常成为不谙世事的男女学生的楷模(model). ...

2. 知识渊博的人:培养通晓英汉两种语言的、平衡的、可持续发展的世界小公民,使每个孩子都成为:勇于探索的人(inquirer)、善于思考的人(thinker)、善于交流的人(communicator)、敢于冒险的人(risk-takers)、善于反思的人(reflective)、知识渊博的人(knowledgeable )、有原则性的人(p

  • 经典引文

  • Despite the wise and knowledgeable advice from kindly child-rearing experts, many parents..still beat..children.

    出自:D. Rowe
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.knowledgeable

Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents, Congress, memorials, and parks.



  • 近义词

  • 临近词

These messages can be difficult to interpret, even by knowledgeable people.(这些信息就连有知识的人也难以解释。)
Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about memorials and parks.(知识渊博的导游将为您讲述关于纪念碑和公园的最有趣的故事。)
"Instead of intimate shops catering to a knowledgeable elite," these were stores "anyone could enter, regardless of class or background".(“并非是为知识精英服务的私人商店,”这些店是“任何人都可以进入的,无论阶层或背景如何”。)
A Call For An 'Alert And Knowledgeable Citizenry'(一个对“警觉和有知识的公民”的呼唤)
Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents, Congress, memorials, and parks.(知识渊博的导游会为你讲述各大总统,国会,纪念碑和公园最有趣的故事。)
When you're skilful and knowledgeable, you get to deal with people of similar backgrounds and tastes.(当你有技巧和知识的时候,你就可以和有着相似背景和品味的人打交道。)
Are community members knowledgeable enough to operate it?(目标社群的用户是否有足够的知识来使用它?)
she's non-threatening, sincere and most importantly knowledgeable.(她看起来像万事通,和善且真诚,最重要的是博闻广识。)
She is very knowledgeable about plants.(她对植物很在行。)
Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.(任何一位内行的葡萄酒商人都能为你提出建议。)
knowledgeable是什么意思 knowledgeable在线翻译 knowledgeable什么意思 knowledgeable的意思 knowledgeable的翻译 knowledgeable的解释 knowledgeable的发音 knowledgeable的同义词