英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:14:38



英 [kə'rɪən]

美 [kəˈriən, kɔ-, ko-]




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1. 朝鲜(或韩国)的;朝鲜(或韩国)人的;朝鲜(或韩)语的;朝鲜(或韩国)文化的
Korean means belonging or relating to North or South Korea, or to their people, language, or culture.

2. 朝鲜(或韩国)人;朝鲜(或韩国)裔人
A Korean is a North or South Korean citizen, or a person of North or South Korean origin.

3. 朝鲜语;韩国语
Korean is the language spoken by people who live in North and South Korea.


1. 朝鲜语:abic)、朝鲜语(Korean)、塞尔维亚语(Serb)、佛兰芒语(Flemish)、意大利语(Italian)、意第绪语(Yiddish)、印地语(Hindi)、希伯来语(Hebrew)、斯瓦希里语(Swahili)、乌尔都语(Urdu)......我们汲取着不同的语言和文化中所包容的思想、情感、科学、哲学、观念、信仰、习惯和传统......我们吟诵着雪莱、济慈、拜伦、海涅、歌德的

2. (韩语):从基本的五十音图教起,杰米尼职场外语培训中心2010内部课程表(精选)韩语:(Korean)班号级别课时上课时间培训对象培训目标KRA级72周六、周日任选半天A级:零起点或基础不扎实者;B级:经过50-80课时培训或自学,具有韩语A级水平的学员;

3. Korean是什么意思

3. 韩国人:我平生第一次听到这种概念,台湾人(Taiwanese)不是中国人(Chinese),而是和中国人(Chinese),日本人(Japanese),韩国人(Korean)一样平起平坐的独立民族,这让我很不能接受.

4. Korean的反义词

4. 韓文:赣州外贸网站制作是赣州金诺科技公司的主要产品之一,真正支持中文(china)英文(English)日文(Japanese(韩文(Korean) 俄文(Russian)五种语言,为您的企业推向国际化奠定坚实基础.

5. korean:kor; 朝鲜朝鲜语

And that's the problem: Songdo has become a popular Korean city—more pourlar as a residential area than a business one.(这就是问题所在:松岛已成为一个受欢迎的韩国城市——比起商业区,作为住宅区更具吸引力。)
People have grown taller over the last century, with South Korean women shooting up by more than 20cm on average, and Iranian men gaining 16.(过去的一个世纪里,人们的身高有所增长,韩国女性的平均身高猛增了20厘米以上,伊朗男性的身高增加了16厘米。)
The Korean ship was apparently undamaged.(那艘韩国船只显然并未被破坏。)
I would love to speak Italian, Portuguese, Korean, Chinese, anything!(我想说意大利语、葡萄牙语、韩语、中文、任何语言!)
Her native language is Korean.(她的母语是朝鲜语。)
Another aunt—this one elderly and a real lover of palm wine—went on and on about a family friend who married a Korean woman.(另一位伯母——这位年岁较大、真正的棕榈酒爱好者——不停地谈论着一位和韩国女人结婚的家族朋友。)
The other 364 days of the year are very tough for Korean youngsters.(对于韩国年轻人来说,这一年中的其他364天是很艰苦的。)
A recent study from a team of South Korean researchers suggests that eating alone often may lead to poor eating habits and poor food choices.(韩国一组研究人员最近的一项研究表明,经常独自吃饭可能会导致不良的饮食习惯和糟糕的食物选择。)
Korean children mix together many dishes and flavors at meals.(韩国的孩子们会在吃饭时把许多菜式和口味混合在一起。)
The German visitors arrived at the Korean company's office early in the morning and spent the whole day in long meetings.(德国来访者一大早就来到这家韩国公司的办公室,开了一整天长长的会议。)
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