英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:18:49



英 [ˈleɪtnt]

美 [ˈletnt]


副词: latently

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  • 潜伏的
  • 潜在的
  • 隐藏的
  • 【植】休眠的
  • 【心】潜在的
  • 隐性的
  • 存在但看不见的
  • 隐匿性的
  • 隐蔽的
  • 隐伏的
  • 不易觉察的
  • 潜伏性的
  • 潜指印
  • 潜伏期
  • 指纹
  • 潜伏的,潜在的,不易觉察的 present but not yet noticeable, active, or fully developed


1. (pathology) not presently active

e.g. latent infection
latent diabetes

2. potentially existing but not presently evident or realized

e.g. a latent fingerprint
latent talent

1. 潜在的;潜藏的;隐伏的
Latent is used to describe something which is hidden and not obvious at the moment, but which may develop further in the future.

e.g. Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.

1. 潜在的:SEM是一门整合过去所有的直线统计模式(linear statistical model)分析技术的新兴方法学,适用於处理多元的(multiple)、潜在的(latent)、因果的(cause-effect)线性关系之探究与资料分析的问题情境,

2. latent什么意思

2. 潜伏:当然随著受伤的严重度不同,有时触痛点可能潜伏(latent)未徵候而微不足道. 根据Jerome的临床经验,尿道症候群患者的长期病史会有断断续续的频尿急尿症状进展到伴随骨盆疼痛. Schmidt和Vapnek的报告指出,直接施压於骨盆肌肉,

3. latent的解释

3. 潜伏性:西医认为:在所有的实体肿瘤之中,前列腺癌是独特的,具有两种表现形式,一为组织学或潜伏性(latent)前列腺癌,这种类型占50岁以上男性的30%左右,而80岁以上男性的60%-70%.


4. 潜在:以及是否受到在台旅游时感受之便利性与友善度之影响,并进一步了解其间的关系与建立线性结构模式(LISREL),利用调查所得之结果作为显现变数,归纳出具行为或观感特性之潜在(Latent)变数或因素,并由变数间的线性关系、因果模式与假设检定的探讨,

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • We cannot find latent dangers.
  • How long is its latent period?
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • Often white liberals are unaware of their latent prejudices.

    出自:M. L. King
  • Troubles..had certainly brought out in him virtues which might otherwise have remained latent.

    出自:A. Fraser
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 15世纪中期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的latentem,意为隐伏,潜伏。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

You have latent force to develop in your studies.(你在学习上还有潜力可挖。)
Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.(广告试图传达一种隐藏在公开信息里的潜在意义。)
Lead scoring rules focus on behaviors: Latent and Active.(销售线索评分制度关注行为:潜伏和活动。)
I haven't yet started to lie about my age but perhaps Lifenaut's questionnaires picked up on my latent vanity?(还还没有开始对我的年龄撒谎,但是也许Lifenaut的调查问卷察觉了我的虚荣心?)
But dreams always had a latent content as well, meaning the hidden implication of the dream.(但梦还具有潜性梦境,潜性梦境是指梦所隐藏的含义。)
Sometimes they just don't want to know about any latent biker fantasies a parent might have.(有时她们就是不想知道父母可能潜藏已久的摩托车手情结。)
If so, you're practicing latent inhibition.(如果你可以做到,那么你就具有潜在的抑制力。)
Also segmented by latent or active.(还可以用潜伏或活动区分。)
The visible _I_ in nowise authorizes the thinker to deny the latent _I_.(有形的我绝不允许思想家否认无形的我。)
A boom in multiplexes—that is, cinemas with at least eight screens—is unlocking latent demand.(数字影院的兴起不断释放潜在需求,这种影院一般至少有8个屏幕。)
latent是什么意思 latent在线翻译 latent什么意思 latent的意思 latent的翻译 latent的解释 latent的发音 latent的同义词