英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:19:51



英 [ˈlævəndə(r)]

美 [ˈlævəndɚ]




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  • 淡紫色
  • 干薰衣草的花
  • 【植】熏衣草
  • 干薰衣草花
  • 熏衣草的花
  • 电影翻正片
  • 熏衣草的干花和茎
  • 熏衣草属(Lavandula)植物
  • 欧薄荷
  • 干熏衣草的花、叶、茎
  • 淡紫色的
  • 熏衣草的
  • 用薰衣草薰香
  • 夹熏衣草(在衣间)
  • 洒以熏衣草
  • 用熏衣草熏


1. a pale purple color

2. any of various Old World aromatic shrubs or subshrubs with usually mauve or blue flowers
widely cultivated


1. of a pale purple color

Synonym: lilaclilac-colored

1. 薰衣草
Lavender is a garden plant with sweet-smelling, bluish-purple flowers.

2. 淡紫色
Lavender is used to describe things that are pale bluish-purple in colour.

1. 淡紫色:毯子薄的时候我们可隐隐约约地看见之下的斑点与黑条. 翼纹当被S修饰基因完全遮盖时,翼纹基因还是起作用的只是从外表上看不出来. S基因与红羽色基因联合反应的结果与全黑或全棕羽色大不相同. 鸽子的羽色能从淡紫色(Lavender)到深红棕色

2. 淡紫:许多由中国输出再与印度洋及太平洋一些岛屿不同颜色的原生种朱槿杂交改良出来的,其花色与花型皆有很大的改变,在历经大规模的杂交后,初期的花色大致可归类为红(Red)、橘(Orange)、黄(Yellow)、白(White)、淡紫 (Lavender)及棕(Brown)

3. 薰衣草精油:薰衣草精油(Lavender)简述:治疗失眠及香港脚,改善女性疾病,降血液. 抗感染,强化消化系统及泌尿系统. 治疗粉刺、湿疹、烫伤、灼伤,加速伤口愈合,促进皮肤细胞再生. 安定情绪,振奋人心,消除沮丧.

Studies have found that lemon and lavender scents produce the most positive, calming results.(研究发现柠檬和薰衣草的气味能够产生最积极,平静的效果。)
You can make a mask with lavender oil and aloe vera gel at home for yourself, it would be better.(如果你在家里用薰衣草油和芦荟胶为自己做个面膜,这个效果会更好。)
She had the sweet scent of my lavender soap.(她身上还留有我那块薰衣草皂的香甜的味道。)
Our signature blend is an intoxicating combination of lavender, tangerine and cananga.(我们的招牌是薰衣草,橘子和卡南加的令人陶醉的组合。)
We used lavender, orange peel, lemon peel and lime peel, both separately and together in the flask.(我们用了薰衣草,桔子皮,柠檬皮和酸橙皮,分别把它们在烧瓶里提炼,和把它们一起放在烧瓶里提炼两种方法。)
The lavender had not yet bloomed, but roses were in flower;(薰衣草尚未盛开,但玫瑰已然绽放。)
I don't want to use their real names, so let's just call them Lavender, Lilac, and Petunia.(我不想用她们的真名,姑且分别叫他们莱凡德莱拉和佩妮吧!)
Also, according to the Glamour men, roses, lilacs, and lavender remind them of their grandmothers.(同样的,据《魅力》杂志调查,玫瑰、丁香和薰衣草会让男人想到自己的奶奶。)
It is surrounded by fields, rape, or wheat, or vines in the Palatinate, lavender in Provence.(它被田野包围着,周围是油菜、小麦、葡萄园、普法尔茨的藤蔓,以及普罗旺斯的薰衣草。)
We used a conical flask, a fabric bag of sprigs of lavender plus shredded, a plastic delivery tube, and a test-tube in a beaker of cold water.(我们用了一个锥形烧瓶、一个装着薰衣草细枝条的布袋和一些碎布条、一根塑料导管,和一根试管,要把它放在装有冷水的烧杯里。)
lavender是什么意思 lavender在线翻译 lavender什么意思 lavender的意思 lavender的翻译 lavender的解释 lavender的发音 lavender的同义词