英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 13:38:38
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  • [C](由于工作清闲而造成的)临时解雇 the stopping of a worker's employment at a time when there is little work


1. dismiss, usually for economic reasons

e.g. She was laid off together with hundreds of other workers when the company downsized

Synonym: furlough

2. put an end to a state or an activity

e.g. Quit teasing your little brother

Synonym: discontinuestopceasegive upquit

1. (通常指因工作岗位不足而)辞退,解雇,使下岗
If workers are laid off, they are told by their employers to leave their job, usually because there is no more work for them to do.

e.g. 100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit...
e.g. They did not sell a single car for a month and had to lay off workers.

2. 住手;闭嘴
If you tell someone to lay off, you mean that they should stop touching or criticizing you or someone else.

lay off的反义词

e.g. He went on attacking her until other passengers arrived and told him to lay off.

1. 解雇:即使在被解僱(Lay off)的最后一天,仍然抱覑积极態度对公司的市场发展提出个人建议,华裔移民宋海记昨日以亲身经歷,讲述了他的移民体会.

2. lay off的反义词

2. (暂时)解雇:暂时解雇无论何时总有些企业因减产或停业而解雇或暂时解雇(lay off)工人. 这些工人的流动职员发出离职国龙航空将对下属的350名职员发出离职(lay off)通知. 斯托表示,宣布停飞消息时,公司裁员... 靠你手中有解雇他的权力就能哈唬得住人家的-- 概因北美职场轻易不解雇(fire) 一个

3. 裁员:第三种,裁员(lay off)天下没有不散的筵席,公司今天需要你,明天就可能不需要你. 人在很多外界变化面前是非常渺小的,所以应该用平常心来看待,仔细研究在什么情况下公司可以裁员以及裁员的补偿,要小心公司为了逃避补偿而从雇员身上找借口,

  • 常用例句

  • She spent her lay off period difficultly.
The factory is going to lay off many workers.(工厂准备解雇很多工人。)
I hate to be caught in this Hobson's choice: work without salary or lay off.(我讨厌陷入霍布森设置的选择:不是白干,就是下岗。【正译】我讨厌这种没有选择的选择:不是白干,就是下岗。)
Oh Aurora, lay off the Patron.(哦,黎明之神,请将守护神解雇了吧!)
Worse, the recession forced him to cut costs sharply and lay off nearly 4,000.(更糟的是,经济衰退迫使SAP大幅消减成本,并且解雇了将近4千名员工。)
The company is to lay off 1,520 workers as part of a restructuring.(作为改组的一部分,这家公司将解雇1520名工人。)
Meanwhile, “Lay off my wife,” he pleaded. “Target me.”(同时,他还恳求道:“别再攻击我夫人,向我开炮吧。”)
So they had to lay off a third of the people.(所以公司不得不解雇三分之一的人。)
Alright, lay off the gossip and go back to work.(好了,别再讲闲话,干活吧。)
I think you'd better lay off fatty foods for a while.(我认为你最好暂时别吃高脂食物。)
In the mid-1990s, many companies decided to lay off their middle managers.(上个世纪90年代中期,许多公司决定削减中层管理者人数。)
lay off是什么意思 lay off在线翻译 lay off什么意思 lay off的意思 lay off的翻译 lay off的解释 lay off的发音 lay off的同义词