英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:26:04


英 [ˈlevəti]

美 [ˈlɛvɪti]


名词复数: levities

  • 详情解释

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  • 轻浮
  • 轻率
  • 不稳定
  • 多变
  • 轻薄
  • 轻率的举止
  • 轻佻
  • 变化无常
  • 欠考虑
  • 不慎重
  • 浮力
  • 反复无常
  • 三心二意


1. a manner lacking seriousness

2. feeling an inappropriate lack of seriousness

1. 孟浪;轻佻;轻浮
Levity is behaviour that shows a tendency to treat serious matters in a non-serious way.

e.g. At the time, Arnold had disapproved of such levity.

1. levity是什么意思

1. 率性:<>(levity)又名:乞赎的灵魂. 这一乞赎的观念真是基于西方的宗教文化,也就为这部影片披上极浓厚的宗教色彩.

2. levity是什么意思

2. 轻浮:散发出成熟妩媚的成年韵味,在(Bring it On)(Virgin Suicide)(Crazy/Beautiful)中都以亮丽的妙龄女子出现,展露健康与性感的魅力,成为新一代的青春偶像.她最新作品有(Levity),与摩根?

3. 轻率:28 dispassion 冷静客观 | 29 levity 轻率 | 30 expulsion 开除,除籍


4. 轻率,轻浮,变化无常:Enfranchise 释放;给予公民权 | Levity 轻率,轻浮,变化无常 | Resignation 辞职,断念,放弃,顺从

  • 经典引文

  • But politics..cannot be treated with levity.

    出自:R. W. Emerson
  • He had not meant to be funny,..levity was not his failing.

    出自:J. K. Jerome
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

The characteristic of real estate trust product risk is complexity, hiding and levity, thus the risk control to the real estate trust is more urgent and essential.(房地产信托产品的风险更具有复杂性、隐蔽性和多变性的特点,因而对房地产信托进行风险控制更为紧迫和必要。)
I am sure foreigners must think our levity is baffling.(外国人肯定认为我们的轻浮举止不可理喻。)
Levity Novelty has released an app called invisibility that USES the combination of the rear camera and the iPad 2's gyroscope to create a cool illusion of invisibility.(LevityNovelty发布了一款叫做“隐形”的应用,利用后置摄像头及iPad2的陀螺仪功能来使人产生隐形的错觉。)
The levity of some of the younger women in and about Trantridge was marked, and was perhaps symptomatic of the choice spirit who ruled The Slopes in that vicinity.(在特兰里奇及其附近,有一些年轻妇女的轻佻惹人注意,这种轻佻也许就是控制附近那块坡地上人们精神的征兆。)
One of the best ways to reduce tension in a stressful situation is to add levity.(在紧张的情况下减轻压力的最好办法之一就是率性放松些。)
Competition rhythm is an important factor of winning a match, it reflects the characteristics of rapid, agility and levity of modern basketball matches.(比赛节奏是篮球比赛致胜的重要因素之一,它反映了现代篮球比赛快速、灵活、多变的特点。)
As has been mentioned, some postulated that phlogiston has negative weight (levity).(当被提出时,一些人就假定了燃素是负重量(轻率)。)
You and I are exceptions to the laws of nature; you have risen by your gravity, and I have sunk by my levity.(你和我都是自然法则的例外;你因沉著重厚而高升,而我则因轻佻浮薄而下沉。)
Don't squander resources on levity. Don't use your laptop's battery power for graphics, music or watching DVDs.(不要把电池里的电浪费到无关紧要的事情上。别在只能靠电池供电的情况下在电脑上画图、听音乐和看dvd。)
It also reintroduces much-needed levity to an act that can be overbearingly self-serious.(它也再次对这可能会是不可一世的惺惺作态之举(overbearinglyself-serious),引入急需的轻率。)
levity是什么意思 levity在线翻译 levity什么意思 levity的意思 levity的翻译 levity的解释 levity的发音 levity的同义词