英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:26:12



英 [ˈleksɪkən]

美 [ˈlɛksɪˌkɑn]


名词复数: lexicons

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 词典
  • 字典
  • 辞典
  • 特殊辞汇
  • 语汇
  • 词素
  • 专门辞汇
  • 地层典
  • 全部词汇
  • 词汇表
  • 专门词汇
  • 尤指古代语言的词典
  • 专用词
  • 常用词
  • 【语】词汇



1. a language user's knowledge of words

Synonym: vocabularymental lexicon

2. a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them

Synonym: dictionary

1. (某一学科、个人或群体的)全部词汇
The lexicon of a particular subject is all the terms associated with it. The lexicon of a person or group is all the words they commonly use.

e.g. ...the lexicon of management...
e.g. Chocolate equals sin in most people's lexicon.

2. (某一语言或学科的)词汇表
A lexicon is an alphabetical list of the words in a language or the words associated with a particular subject.

3. (尤指希腊语、希伯来语等古老语言的)词典,字典
A lexicon is a dictionary, especially of a very old language such as Greek or Hebrew.


1. 莱斯康:☆ 美国百威(PAEVEY)音响☆ 法国力素(NEXO)音响☆ 美国皇冠(CROWN)功放☆ 美国美奇(MACKIE)音响☆ 英国声艺(SOUNDCRAFT)调音台☆ 德国百灵达(BEHRINGER)周边及调音台☆ 美国莱斯康(LEXICON)周边☆ 日本天龙(DEONE)音响☆ 日本先锋(PION

2. 词库:由于具有多少论旨角色和具有什么样的论旨角色是每个动词的句法-语义属性所固有的,因此每个动词的论旨角色都作为词汇内容被记录在词库(lexicon)中. 论旨理论(Theta Theory / θ- Theory,有译作题元理论)主要就是用来规范动词和句子中其他成分的句法-语义关系.

  • 经典引文

  • That uniquely broad..earthy lexicon that instantly identifies..Solzhenitzyn's mature literary style.

    出自:M. Scammell
  • The President..has decided to begin testings'routine' testingsof immigrants...In Mr. Reagan's lexicon 'routine' means 'mandatory, compulsory'.

    出自:New York Times
It is now integrated to the NIM lpp_source lexicon.(现在,它集成了NIMlpp_source词典。)
The concepts of the Agile + Customer Development entered the lexicon as startups learned how to build for success.(随着新创企业学会如何获取成功,敏捷+客户开发这一理念进入了词典。)
We gesture because it's part of our lexicon.(我们打手势是因为它是我们语言的一部分。)
Just what "temporary" means in the bank's lexicon is unclear.(在银行的字典里,“暂时”的含义不得而知。)
All CoPs have their own lexicon, that is a domain-specific set of terms or keywords that they use as their common vocabulary.(所有的CoP都有自己的词典,这是特定于领域的术语或关键字集合,他们将其用作自己的常用词汇表。)
This is a function of the Lexicon subsystem, which is described shortly.(这是Lexicon子系统的一个功能,我们将简单地描述一下。)
The sometimes emotional lexicon of struggle is, they say, inevitable.(他们说有时一些情绪上的斗争是无可避免的。)
You won't necessarily build up your lexicon because there are no definitions there, only links to definitions.(你不需要建立你的词库,因为这里没有单词定义,只作定义的链接。)
So much so that “iPod integration” became a focus for almost every automaker and an important part of the car lexicon.(以至于“iPod整合”几乎成了每家汽车制造商的焦点以及汽车词典的重要部分。)
Chocolate equals sin in most people's lexicon.(巧克力在大多数人的字典里等同于罪恶。)
lexicon是什么意思 lexicon在线翻译 lexicon什么意思 lexicon的意思 lexicon的翻译 lexicon的解释 lexicon的发音 lexicon的同义词